Almost Easy Baby girl.


I was warm.

Something soft was under me. I think I am in a bed.

When I slowly opened my tired eyes I was proved right.

I was in a bed and I had about 40 blankets on top of me. I think it was a queen bed but I couldn't tell. What was I, some kind of bed expert?

I looked over to see a strange boy.

"Hi." He said.

I stared at him. I tried not to show any emotion.

"Do you not talk?"

I kept staring at him.

"Well I’m Luke." Nice to know. “You’re in my bed. Are you warm?"

This guy was strange. What was I doing here again?

I nodded my head slowly.

"Do you have a name?" This Luke guy asked.

I nodded yes. What else was I suppose to do? No dumbass, I do not have a name. Please, note the sarcasm.

He gave me a piece of stray notebook paper and a plain black sharpie. And again he asked what my name was.

"Emmaline" He read out loud. "That's pretty, it fits you."

I wrote thank you. Then I asked him why I was here and where was here anyway.
"You are here because my friends almost hit you with their car and it looked like you had no place to go. And we are currently at the house I share with my three other friends. It is small but you can move in if you have no place to go."

I need a job. I wrote on the paper.

"Well I have one question. How do you feel about tattoos?"

How do I feel about tattoos?


That was 5 years ago.

The guys took me in. They gave me a job at the tattoo shop they owned and I caught on quickly.

I soon became a professional tattoo artist.

One of the best if I do say so myself.

I still don't talk, in other words I’m mute. The guys somehow got to where they can look at me and know what I was thinking. I think they could tell by my facial expression.

I had just finished a customer who wanted an Avenged Sevenfold deathbat on the back of their shoulder, when Zeke and Josh came in.

"So we just got back from seeing our favorite person." Josh announced.

He was referring to our drug dealer. Of course they would label him as their favorite person.

Sure we did a little coke and pot, but nothing too bad. None of us were addicted to it, I think.

I nodded my head and finished cleaning up my station. What else was I going to do?

Shortly after I was done, Liz our receptionist yelled if we were all free. I think she should know that. She is the one that makes the appointments.

I rolled my eyes as Brent yelled yes. He always loves to state the obvious.

After he did, I heard Liz say, "Okay just go straight back. You can have Zeke. You will have Brent. You get Josh. You need Luke, and last but not lest you should ask for Emma."

"Emma?" A male voice asked. It sounded familiar.

"Yes. Emma." Liz said with her 'Female tattoo artists are as good if not better then Male tattoo artists' voice. She had to use it a lot, stupid stereo types.

I went to the back so that I could grab something to drink before I went to meet the next clients.

From where I was standing I could see our five new victims but (luckily) they could not see me.

Which was good because the second I saw them, my heart stopped beating and my breath was cut short. Sure, any petite girl like me would be scared by five huge men but that wasn't the actual reason.

There stood the reason I ran away from home.

Next to him stood my brother and the other four guys that consider themselves my brothers as well.

Shit. Not good!

I ran to the bathroom, so that I could collect myself. What else was I suppose to do?

As I stared into the mirror I started to realize that maybe there was a chance that they will not recognize me.

I mean, I no longer looked the way I once did.

My once short brown hair; was now long, black and has red and purple streaks scattered randomly through it.

I was still short, but no longer pudgy. I grew out of my awkward stage, Thank god.

Thanks to the drugs I was model thin, just one more reason to keep on going.

The tan that I once shared with my brother was long gone and replaced with pale skin.

The tattoo on my wrists showed and the jeans and shirt I was wearing showed a hint of the butterflies that I had, going from my left hip to my right breast.

I now had a lip ring and bangs as well. I might have been drunk, I can't remember.

The only way they will recognize me is if they saw my eyes.

I know that the second they saw my bright green eyes they will know it’s me. Everyone I knew always commented on my big green orbs. My eyes were my favorite feature on my body.

Though if I put my bangs so they couldn't see them...

Emma! Get your ass out here and start tattooing or I am going to hide all of your bras and force you to go braless for a week!" Zeke threatened.

The thing about that comment was not only would he do it, but he has done it. What scared me about this comment was that he had done it before, and I knew he would do it again.

I sighed and tucked in my necklace. The band gave it to me for my 16th birthday. I never take it off.

It was little silver 16th note on a silver chain. Before I stopped talking, I loved to sing. I was the girl who went skipping down the halls singing my favorite songs.

Anyway, I stomped out of the backroom and appeared in front of Zeke who was standing in the door way.

I crossed my hands over my chest and glared at him.

He wasn't too worried over my glare considering he was 6 foot and 3 inches and I was 5 foot and 5 inches.

My brother got all the height.

Speaking of my brother... I turned to look at him. Of course he was sitting in Zeke's chair. I mean why wouldn't my keeper be the one to tattoo my brother?

You know if they knew who each other were they would have a lot to talk about...

I turned to see which one was in my chair. Luck to have it, Johnny was resting in it. I liked him maybe because we were always around the same height. At least I wasn't the one that got landed with the nickname short shit.

As I walked over to him, I saw that Brent had Matt, Luke had Syn, and Josh got Zacky.

"Hi." Johnny said as I sat down by him.

I smiled at him and turned to look at Luke and Zeke.

"She’s mute. Just talk to her and she will write down what she wants to say. Just don't piss her off or she will put you in lots of pain." Luke told him.

"You don't talk?" Matt asked from across the room. Why ask, when I can't answer?

*Isn't that what he just said?* I wrote and gave to Johnny to read out loud.

"Why don't you talk?" Zacky asked. Isn't that a bit personal?

Well let see after I was raped by my friend, Neither my brother nor his Four friends believed me, and my once best friend called me a slut and said that he wished he never knew me, I stopped feeling talkative.

Like Hell was I going to tell him that.

These guys are so not as stupid as they look. Okay maybe Zacky was...

*none of your business why I don't talk, you pudgy little pig* I gave it to Johnny to say.

"Do I really have to say this?" Johnny asked after reading it to himself.

I signaled for him to go on with the reading. All while glaring at Zacky.

"She says none of your business why I don't talk, you pudgy little pig. She said that not me."

"Wow someone is bitchy today. Which is weird because usually she is sweet." Josh told everyone.

"Maybe it’s her time of the month?" Synyster gates added. Thanks a lot.

"No. That was last week. I think she hasn't had much sleep lately. She didn't come to be until an hour before we had to get up." Luke told him.

"You guys together?" Jimmy asked. Thanks for having a sense of privacy for others. Note the sarcasm.

"No we are not dating, its just she gets nightmares when sleeping by herself." Luke told him. Yea, just tell them everything. Not.

I was getting sick of them talking as if I wasn't here, so I threw my empty soda can at Luke's head.

"Sorry Em, for talking about you as if you were not here." He said automatically. He knows me so well

Out of all the guys he was the one to do that the most.

*It is okay. Now I believe Zeke threaten me to tattoo or my bra's will be kidnapped* I wrote and handed it to Johnny whose face redden as he read it out loud.

I always love how Johnny could never say anything girlie without blushing.

"Okay, Well we want the name Emmaline tattooed on all of us. We also want this bar of music. You guys can each style it whatever way you use." Oh shit.

"Hey Emma, That's your name. Have you been sleeping behind my back?" Josh called out.

I glared at him. He can be so useless

"I don't know about that but none of us slept with our Emmaline. She is my sister. She ran away five years ago today and whatever day we find her. We want her to know that we never stopped think about her. The bar of music is from our song Almost Easy. We wrote it for her." Jimmy explains. Thanks, just share my life story.

Ahh. They still call me their Emmaline.

I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.

I grabbed the copy of the bars, from Johnny and went to the back room to draw. A few seconds later the other guys joined me. I knew they had questions but at this moment they let me be.

(#)(#)P(#)(#)P(#)(#) JOHNNY (#)(#)P(#)(#)P(#)(#)

When all of the tattoo artists left I turned to the guys.

"I have a feeling that this tattoo is going to be more painful than any of my other tattoos."

"Sucks to be you Johnny that girl is nuts." Zacky said.

"I wonder why she doesn't talk?" Jimmy said more to himself then to us.

"I don't know but I think you are lucky man." Matt said to me.


"Because When we find our Emmaline. You can tell her that a chick name Emmaline tattooed you."

I didn't have a chance to answer him because all they all came back.

The girl was the last one out and she came over to show me her design.

"It is amazing." I stared at it. "That looks almost like a picture of what she look like the last time I saw her. How did you do that?" I asked the young girl as she got the spot on my arm ready for the tattoo.

She didn't answer my question and I watched her work.

This girl remained me of Emmaline so much. Since Jimmy's mother never gave a damn and his father was long gone, He and the rest of the band pretty much raised her since she was five years younger than him.

Emmaline would be 20 right now.

"How old are you?" I asked her as she Begin to tattoo.

"Em is 20." The guy tattooing Matt said. I think his name was Brent.

"You know what is funny about this whole tattoo besides the fact that we are tattooing our best friend's name on you guys?" The dude tattooing Zacky said out of nowhere.

"What?" Syn asked.

"Well, your Emmaline ran away from home. We met our Emmaline a week after she ran away from home." He said.

The girl's head snapped up so fast that I think I heard a crack as she turned and glared at her friend.

Or at least it was glare I couldn't see her eyes behind her hair.

I really wanted to reach out and brush her bangs out of her eyes but something told me that if I did that, she would kill me.

I watched as the girl went back to work and I tuned out everyone as they talked.

This tattoo barely even hurt.

I mean I could tell as I watch her work that the tattooing gun was deep in my skin but for some reason I barley felt it.

After a while all the other guys were done and were waiting on me.

She was almost done when her friend Josh said "Yeah that reminds me it will be five years next Saturday that we met Emmaline.”

The girl finished and was cleaning me up. I don't think she heard what her friend said as we all stared at her.

Could this girl be out Emmaline?

When she finished she looked up at us,for the first time sensing that we were all starring at her.

She stood up and grabbed her tablet.

*What?* her friend read out for her.

Jimmy stepped forward and held his hand out. He moved the bangs out of her face and we all gasped.

Looking back at us were the brightest green eyes we have ever seen.

"Baby girl." Jimmy whispered the nickname that we given her. We always called her that but when we made up our stage names, we made that name her official name.

Emmaline's eyes got Huge she slowly back away from Jimmy before running out of the room.
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