Almost Easy Baby girl.


"HONEY I AM HOME!" Jimmy called loudly as he and the rest of the guys came into the house.

I was still at the dinning room table writing the same thing over and over again for Zacky who was describing my life with Syn.

When the four men walked in, I dropped my pen and ran to them. Hiding my face in Matt's chest. I didn't want to go to Syn because I was now scared of him.

Thank you Zacky.

"Whats wrong?" Matt asked in shock.

Without lifting my head I pointed at Zacky.

"What did you do to her?" Jimmy growled.

"I didn't do anything. She was the one who tried to make and escape for it when I went to target. When we got home I made her write "RUNNING AWAY IS BAD", she is still doing them when you guys came home." The tubby man said.

"is that all?" Brian asked. You can hear the annoyance in his voice. I think he was mad that I ran to Matt and not him.

"Yes" At that I rolled my head back to the pen from the table and the bottom half of the paper that I hadn't used yet.

*Please Zacky, Tell the nice men here what you were talking about before they came home.*

"Oh right. Syn and Em are in love and will get married and have 6 kids. 5 of them will be their own and one of them will be adopted. 3 boys and 2 girls. The girls will be twins. The boys will be older then the girls. I haven't decided if you are going to adopted before or after she pops out the kids. I even named the kids." Everyone stared at the man. Matt held me a little closer and away from Zacky and Syn. It was almost like he was protecting me from Zacky's mind and Syn's evil sperm.

I will never have kids. Ever.

"Zacky, Why have you thought about Em's and my life?" Syn asked alittle scared.

"Because I plan to be the godfather of you kids." The crazy man answered.

"Emmeline is 20 THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL SHE WILL HAVE A KID." Jimmy yelled. He then stormed away and went to upstairs.

What? Doesn't he like the idea of his best friend knocking up his little sister?

"Zacky? Do me a favor and let Em and I make plans for our future and stay the hell away from it."

Syn then pulled me out of Matt's grip and out of the room.

"So are we going to start the bets about the kids now or later?" Johnny asked as Brian and I left the room.

I look over at Syn to see him shaking his head.

He pushed me on his bed "Stay." He commanded before he went into the bathroom. The next thing I knew I heard water running. He then came back in.

"Strip." He ordered coming back in.

I raised my eyebrow and laid back on the bed so I could grab the sharpie that was now kept by the bed.


"Because you can't take a shower in clothes." He said like it was the stupidest thing ever.

He then pulled me up by my arms.

*Um, I am confused.*

"I am going to re-dye your hair back to its beautiful brown color." He said as he started to pull my shirt over my head.

Once I was shirtless I took his arm

*I can give myself a shower.*

"not while I have a razor in there." I rolled my eyes at him.

He reach for my pants and I let him unbuckle them because I was to busy be angry that he will not let me take a shower by myself

*You can't re-dye my hair while showering.* I stated maybe I could get out of being in a shower with him. With nothing between our skins.

"Yes I know. But Jimmy doesn't know that and I got the okay from your brother to give you a shower. Which means I am going to give you a shower." He replied happily. He pulled me into the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the bathroom.

"Hey What are you doing."

I didn't answer as I slammed the door in his face and lock the door.

"YOU HAVE 15 MINS TO SHOWER BEFORE I PULL YOU OUT!" He screamed Thu the door.

10 mins later I opened the door with just a towel wrapped around me.

"Here are some clothes. When you are changed we can dye your hair."

*Why do we need to dye my hair?* I wrote on his hand.

"Because next week we have to go to a award show and you are coming. None of could decided what you should wear so we all pick out a dress and stuff to go with it. You can pick which one you want to wear. But anyway we are dying your hair back to brown because in reality we all loved it and you are even more gorgeous with long brown hair." He said as I changed.

He took my hand and led me to the bathroom to dye my hair.

20 mins later I was a brunette again.
With brown hair there is no way in denying that I was related to Jimmy.

Brain then led me so that I could pick what dress I wanted to wear. I made him leave so I could make my choice a surprise.

Each dress was on a mannequin with assceries surrounding it.

There was a card with the name of one of the guys at each dress.