Almost Easy Baby girl.


After picking out my dress I decided to wait until the night of the event, to revile the dress I was going to wear.

I walked downstairs to see Jimmy sitting on a couch talking to someone on his cell phone.

"Everything is set." Jimmy said into the phone not seeing me.

"Yeah, we told her we are taking her to an award show." So they lied? If they are not taking me to an award show in where in the hell and I going in a fancy dress?

I rolled my eyes and let my brother be. Whatever he is planning, I hope its good.

I saw Zacky outside smoking and decided in joining him.

"So. What dress are you going to wear?" He asked after I lit up.

*Don't know.* I wrote on a pad of paper after taking a nice long puff. It felt good.

"If I may put in my incredible fashion advice, You should go with my dress."

*Really? Now how did I know you were going to say that?* I wrote.

"Because it is the best dress you have." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes.

"What are you guys talking about?" Matt asked joining the party.

*The dress you guys picked out.*

"Yeah, I am telling her that mines is the best out of the five." Zacky said.

"Well, I personally think that Mines is better. It has that mysterious look going for it." Matt said before taking a puff.

"Mysterious my ass. You should go with my dress Em. Like I was telling you. It will make you feel like a princess." Zacky pointed out completely serious.

I rolled my eyes at the two. The big Bad ass M. Shadows was arguing with To cool to give a damn Zacky Vengeance, on who's dress is prettier.

Johnny came to see what the craziness was about.

The two other men didn't notice short shit so I filled him in.

*They are fighting about what dress I should wear*

"Well they shouldn't argue, the answer is clear." He replied to me.

I raised my eyebrow and took a puff.

"You see Em, My dress is fiery, Kind of like hot salsa." I stared at Johnny as he said this.

"Emmeline wants to be a princess not hot salsa."Zacky sounded like a five year old.

"No she wants to be mysterious!" Matt cried out.

"Why don't we just ask her what dress she wants to wear!" after Johnny said this, all three men turned a stared at me.

They waited patiently as I took my time with my cigarette and then write down an answer for them.

*It will help me decided what dress to wear if I knew what I was going to wear it to.*

"What are you talking about? You are going to an award show with us." Zacky is terrible at lying.

*Oh right. I forgot. And um, what award show is this? There are so many.* I played along.

"The um, You know yeah, That award show." Zacky try to cover.

*Why do you boys try to lie to me? You guys know that you can't keep surprises yet here you are, Trying to hide something.* it was the last thing I wrote before leavening the backyard.

My brother past me as he went out.

I was walking up the stairs when I heard Syn's gutair. It felt going hearing him play. Its been so long.

I sat outside his room and listen to the music. I didn't recognize the song. But whatever it was, it was beautiful.

My eyes slowly drifted close. The music took me far away.

I felt like I was floating. All of a sudden, I heard screaming.

"Emmeline! Emmeline wake up!" Someone screamed.

"Call 911!" I heard someone else scream.

I felt something cold on my face and people kept screaming and shaking me.

I heard sirens, then I heard voices from people I didn't know. I felt someone picking me up and putting me on something that moves.

I wanted to call out to the voices but something pulled me into the darkness.

I needed to stay in the darkness.

The darkness kept me safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are welcome.

They make me happy