Almost Easy Baby girl.

Chained and beers

"Emmaline" They called out to me.

I kept running.

If I could get to the back and get to our stash then all of this bad shit will go away.

Everything will be okay. Everything will be okay.

I slammed the door behind me and locked it before running to the next room.
Our house was right behind the tattoo shop.
I heard yelling and people chasing me.
When I got to the lovely room, I locked the door and Begin laying out the lines.

As I was snorting them I could hear them banging on the door.


No shit.

I knew I couldn't let them get me. They couldn't take me back. So as I waited for the coke to take effect I move towards my bed.

I took the lovely knife out and slit both of my wrist just under the tattoos I had, after all who wants to be buried with fucked up tattoos?

Since I was anemic my blood started spilling out fast.

I laid there and watched as the door busted open. Between the drugs and the fast lost of blood, I couldn't hear anything and everything was in slow motion.

I watched as the band came running to me. I watched as their mouths move to words that I couldn't hear.

My head was laid down on the bed and I watch as they grabbed me and moved my arms trying to stop the blood. I watched as Johnny saw the remains of the coke I just snorted. I watched and watched until that moment came and I drifted off to peace.


My eyes were heavy as I opened them. The first thing I notice was that I was in a black room. The second thing was that I couldn't move my arms.

I looked over my head and found that they were handcuff to the bed post of whatever bed I was in. I look around the room to find that there was not much in here. There wasn't even a window.

After lying there for what felt like hours, I feel a sleep.


"Wake her." A deep voice ordered.

I felt someone shaking me.

I tried to move away from the person who was shaking me. Since my arms were tied up I couldn't move far.

"Emmaline Open your fucking eyes and look at me." A sharp voice commanded.

Shit. I hope that voice didn't belong to who I think it belong to.

As I opened it, I found that my life sucks. Standing around the bed was not only my brother but Syn, Matt, Johnny, and Zacky.

I hate my life.

They all stared at me. Jimmy was the first to speak. Well More like Yell.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING EMMALINE? DRUGS? REALLY DRUGS? I THOUGHT THAT WE TAUGHT YOU BETTER THEN THAT GUESS I WAS WRONG? AND HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID AS TO TRY AND TAKE YOU OWN LIFE?" I hate it when he yelled at me. Jimmy could be the fun guy around the house but sometimes he can be really really scary.

I tried to shrink into the bed but I didn't have much luck.

"Jimmy calm down You are scarring her." Matt said to him.

"Matt do not tell me to calm down when I have just found my sister and then she tries to comment suicide. God I can barley even look at you." He screamed at Matt then me.

I felt a tear fall down my face.

I hope none of the guys saw it.
But yet again more proof that Hope is a bunch of bullshit that we tell each other.

Jimmy's face soften a bit when he saw that tear.
Then he stomped out of the room. Zacky and Johnny followed him.

"They went to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Matt said as I watched them leave the room.

I turned my glare back to them.

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" Brian asked as the two guys pulled up chairs and sat by the bed.

Of course I didn't say anything. I just glared at them.

Brian reached over me and unhook the handcuffs. He than forced me to sit up in the bed.

I Knew that with both Brian and Matt here their was no way I would make it, if I tried to run out of the room. I guess that is why the took off the handcuffs.

"Emmaline, Baby please say something." Brian said.

I stopped glaring at them and turned to stare at the wall across the room from me.

"Find if you are not going to talk we will." Matt said.

"We found you and we are not letting you go. You are going to stay in this room until your body has detox from the drugs you have been stupid enough to take. As you can see there are no windows in this room and The door has five locks. It will be kept locked at all times. There isn't anything In this room that you can cut yourself with. Though as all of us know, you are smart enough to find something that we have missed so until we decided that we can trust you again you will stay handcuff to the bed. Do you understand everything I told you." Matt finished. I just kept staring at the wall across the room.

"Emmaline! Look at us!" Brian commanded.

When I didn't turn my head, Brian grabbed my face and turned it for me.

Each man had the look of murder, disappointment, and pain, in their eyes.

"While you are here Emmaline we can treat you like the littler sister we all Knew or we can treat you like a prisoner."Brian said.

I moved my head to look back at the wall.

Brian sighed before forcing my head to look back at them. If he kept doing that I am going to have a bruise.

"Find Emmaline. We will treat you like a prisoner. Now DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. EVERYTHING. MATT. SAID." He asked in a dangerous voice.

I motioned for a piece of paper.

Matt handed it to me and I wrote on it.

*Go fuck your self* Brian read when I gave it to them.

They guys sighed. "What happen to make you hate us so much?" Matt asked.

I glared at them.

Johnny walked in with a tray of food. He gave it to Matt before walking back out. Before he left the room he look at me for a long second.

In that second I saw the tattoo I did on him just a few hours ago. Or was it days ago?

"Eat." Matt commanded as Johnny left the room.

I looked at the tray that he sat on my lap.

I wasn't hungry. In fact I am never hungry anymore. It all goes back to the night so many years ago.

"Fine Don't eat." Brian sighed as he took the tray and left the room.

Matt handcuff me back to bed. Then got up to leave.

Before he left he turned back and stared at me. "What happen to my baby girl?" He whispered before turning off the lights and leavening.

I stared at the door as I heard the sounds of the lock being put in place.

"Your baby girl died the day none of you saved her from him." I whispered. My voice was so Horse from not talking. I didn't know why I said it, but I did.

After a few hours of laying in the bed, I feel to sleep again.


We all sat in the living room with beers in hand. Everyone focus was on the TV.

Little did Emma know but there was a camera in her bedroom.

We all watch as the girl stared at Matt when he walked out of the room.

We gasped when she said something after he left. Sadly it was way to low and quite for us to pick up on the microphone.

"So she does talk." Jimmy said staring at his sister.

My heart went out to him. It killed him when she first ran away then finding her and she tried to kill herself, as well as being hooked on drugs? What happen to change our angel.

Matt came in and I handed him a beer. We all continued to watch the girl. All lost in our own thoughts.

At some point she fell asleep.

I don't know how long she was sleep but at some point she started thrashing around her bed. Tears were rolling down her face. she was in tears.

It was to soon for her to be in detox so she must of been having a night mirror. It got to the point that she cried out "Leave me alone. Please just leave me alone." Then she screamed out in pain again. It was like some one was hurting her. "Jimmy" she screamed still asleep. "Jimmy please stop him." She cried.

Then as if someone pushed the ON button in him. Jimmy was out of his seat ruining to his baby sister. When he got there he unhook the cuffs, and pulled her into his arms.

We watched as the girl kept crying and he kept trying to wake her.

When he finally did, she started crying harder in his arms.

We watched the brother and sister until she was back a sleep and he tied her back up. He looked up at the camera and waved for us to come.

"They were right, something happened to her that made her unable to sleep by herself. I think we need to shifts so that someone is here 24/7." Jimmy told us as he sat on the bed with a sleeping girl in his hands

"I will take the first shift. If someone can be here with me so I don't strangle her, that would be good."

"I will stay." Matt said.


"Jimmy we will don anything to help her, she is like all of our sister as well." Matt told him as he grabbed a chair.

"I and johnny will do next shift." I spoke up.

"I will take that last shift." Brian said realizing he was on his own.

Jimmy nodded.

"I guess with us here to keep an eye on her there will be no need for the handcuffs." Matt smiled. He hated the fact that we used them on her.

Jimmy started to play with her hair as she slept. I seen him do this so many times to her as they grew up but this time it didn't look like a brother and sister thing.

This time it look as if it became a Father and Daughter thing.
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