Almost Easy Baby girl.

Tea party

I awoke to a pounding headache.

I was shaking, my whole body was shaking. I was shaking because I was cold. I don't know why I was shaking.

I wrapped myself in the blanket and moaned.

Some one start to combed their fingers Thur my hair.

"I know you are hurting baby" Brian whispered.

I opened my eyes at him. He just stared down and kept running his fingers Thur my hair.

I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.


I woke up again to find Matt and Jimmy talking.

"We need to get her tell us what happen." Jimmy whispered harshly at Matt.

"I know but she will not talk if we keep asking her repeatedly." Matt whispered back.

I wanted to found out what they were saying but I feel back to sleep/


I felt that I was going to throw up. I ran from my bed and straight into the bathroom, where I went straight to the toilet.

One of the guys pulled my hair out of my face. He also rubbed my back.

When I threw up everything that was in me, I went and brushed my teeth before curling up on the cold floor. It felt good there.

I closed my eyes. My body was still shaking. I knew that if I just had a line, everything would be better.

One of the guys lifted me up and put me back in the bed.


This time, I woke up and I my body felt okay.

Though I still wanted my stash.

I knew I need to get back to the tattoo shop.

But how?

I looked over to see Matt reading a book.

There was no chance in sneaking off with him here. Or at least with him here and awake.

I stared at him.

"How do you feel." He asked not looking up from his book.

I stared at him.

He sighed and handed me notebook and pen.

His nose was still inside the book.

*You can read?* I wrote.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Now tell me how you feel." He said putting his book down.

*Like I need a shower.*

"You can take a shower when Johnny relieves me and can watch you."

*Why does he need to watch me?*

"Seriously Emmaline? You tried to KILL YOURSELF. There is no way in hell that we are going to let you have five seconds by your self."

I glared at him.

*Whatever What time is it?*

"5am February 19"

Wait what?

*It was February 8, when I went to sleep*

"No, That was when we first saw you at the tattoo shop. You been here for 11 days. You have been in detox for 10 of those days."

*To be in detox I would have to be addicted to drugs, I am addicted to anything*

"You have to be kidding me. Emmaline what is the one thing you crave more then anything right now"

The nice white lines in the tattoo shop and my wonderful loving friends.

* Some tea*

"Bull shit"

*No I don't want shit. I want tea. I also want you to have some nice warm tea. In fact I want to have a tea party*

"You are kidding?"

* I do not kid about Tea party's*

"Fine then, While you showering I will get a tea party ready. Who do want at the party?"


"Okay then but on one condition."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him.

"You have to eat something at the tea party."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Okay then its settled."

"What is settled?" Brian asked walking in with a bag of stuff.

"I will tell you later, Where is Johnny?" Matt asked him.

"He had to leave so I am here so that she can shower. Don't look at me like that, Jimmy approved so bye Shadows."

Matt hugged me, not noticing how I tensed under his touch.

"If he touched you in anyway, Scream bloody murder and I will come in here with a gun and shoot his balls off." Matt whispered in my ear.

Before leaving Matt said something to Brian. I think it was something along the lines of what he told me because Brian paled greatly.

I watched as Brian went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He then got some towels.

"Okay so I am putting the following in your bathroom, Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel Victoria secret brand, and skintament."

I raised my eyebrow at him again.

"Did you really think that we would give you a razor after what you did earlier?"

I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed. I then walked into the bathroom. As I closed the door, he stopped me.

"It stays open. Just get in the shower then strip. When you are done I will hand you your towel."

I shrugged my shower.

It didn't bother me he was standing there. He forgot that I spent the last Five years in house full of guys.

Even thought I never slept with the guys, it didn't me they haven't seen me naked.

I striped while facing the shower. I don't know if he gasped because of me being Naked or if he gasped because of the tattoo going up my side.

I then walked into the shower.



As she walked in the shower I let out my breath.

Get it together man. Not only is she 20, but she is your best friend's little sister.

But damn did she look sexy. The second I saw that tattoo, I thought I would take her then and there.

I sat in the chair right out the door, watching her outline.

I moaned.

Her skin was so soft, and that ass.

I rubbed my eyes. I should of let Zacky do this. Those two hate each other.

But no I had to do it.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I was rubbing my face when the shower turned off.

I sat back against the chair as she reached out to grab the towel.

Then she stepped out of the shower.

The towel was wrapped around her body. It stopped several inched above her knee.

God she look so Beautiful.

I wanted to kiss her but Matt's warning ran Thur my head.

she just stared at me.

One hand held the towel up the other was on her hip. Her hair was wet and sprayed across her back.

The urge to kiss her was so strong.

It took all of my will power to go up and kiss her.

"You need clothes don't you?"
I could imagine her voice saying No shit.

And I believe that was what her face told me as well.

I missed her voice.

God if I could only hear just one more time.

I pulled out bra and underwear and gave it to her.

She up the underwear on under the towel and the bra on over the towel. She then pulled the towel off and situated her self so her bra was now covering her luscious breast.

I stared at her body. It would be better if she weighed a little bit more but god her body was hot.

A butterfly came from just under her pantie line and several crossed her stomach, leading up to her just. The the top of the last one was hidden by her bra.

Her legs were still long and her hair curled around her.

Her lips were full and naturally red.

Her eyes looked bright and green. A lot better then it did when she was drugged out of her mind.

How could someone as innocent as Em, have anything to do with drugs.

I wish I knew why she ran away.

She walked over to the small table that was in the room. She picked up her notebook.

*Will I get to have clothes or am I going to be force to be in this all the time?*

I rolled my eyes.

"Johnny is out shopping for clothes for you."

*Fine, do I get lotion?*

"Yes, I got it the same brand of your shower gel." I handed it to her.

She took it and started with her legs and then worked her way up.

I felt the urge in my pants. I need to start thinking of something that was not her.

Ahh I know it. I started to imagine Zacky in a bikini.

There we go. No more urge.

When she was done she went to the mirror in the bathroom. I moved so that I could see her and make sure that she would not try to break the glass.

she started to blow dry her hair and brush it.

I watch her work.

"Hey Syn." Johnny greeted me. I and Em turned to him.


I was brushing my hair. Brian was leaning in the doorway watching me. I could feel his eyes go up and down my body.

While he was looking at my ass I stared at him.

He was hotter then what I remember.

The intense look in his eye drove me insane each time I saw it.

That was the look he had while watching my body.

We each were in a daze.

Johnny broke us out of it when he class Brian's name.

I turned to look at my once best friend.

"Hey" Syn said looking at Johnny.

"You are leaven now, I am here." Johnny said to Brian. Brian looked a little sad but quickly hid it.

He then left the room.

I smirked.

"No seduction Syn." Johnny said to me after Brian left the room.

I picked up my pad.

*Now Johnny boy, why would I ever do anything like that?*

"Because you are so not innocent. Have you forgotten That I was your best friend and Knew you better then any of them."

Hell No I have not forgotten. You were also the one that hurt me the most when I came to you.

No one listen to me. I thought you would. How wrong was I.

"Here are some clothes. I walked into your favorite shops and yelled out "I am here to buy clothes for a hippie who weighs about 80 pounds. Price is not a option." Then they came running at me throwing clothes at me." He told me proudly.

I took the clothes and smile at him.

After changing I took the make-up from him and put it on.

*Can I leave this room now?*

"Yes but you have to be with one of us at all times." He told me like a stern mother.

I finally got to get out if this fucking room.

Johnny walked behind me and told me what ways to turn.

I think he did this so that he could keep a eye on me.

When I went into the kitchen, I started to laugh.

All the guys were sitting at the table. They were wearing bows and big floppy hats.

I almost felt sorry for what I was going to do for them.

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