Almost Easy Baby girl.


I stared at him.

He stared at me.

He was the only thing preventing me from freedom.

The only thing stopping me from going to the one place that has everything I needed to have Harmony and Peace.

Just like the tattoos that were now on both my wrist.

"Little girl, I can stand here all night if it means keeping you from going back to that hell." Syn told me as I stared at him.

Leave me alone please. I wanted to scream it but every time I open my mouth, it just wouldn't work.

The only noise in the house was the distant snores from the living room where the passed out band members slept.

Let me back up a bit, Someone switch the on switch on my brother. He was now the loving lunatic that I once knew.

But anyway so the tea party was about to happen but Out of no where, the crazy ass man that I some how share DNA with was now standing on the table singing "Hit me one more time."

I kid you not.

Then later he and the guys started drinking.

Just a while ago all the guys pass out. Well that's what I thought, But just as my hand was on the door knob, Synester Fucking Gates pulled me away.

SO we are now having the face out you came in on.

How this man is still sober is beyond me. He had 10 Beers and a full bottle of JD.

"come on lets go to bed." He said in a voice that made my eyes droop.

I will not give in. He is evil and I will not give into his tricks in making me fall asleep.

Ah shit.

He started to sing.

My eyes could barley stay open when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up stairs.

I raised an eyebrow when I found that we were in his bed room.

"Look, you are not allowed to be by yourself and none of those guys downstairs are in any position to watch you." I rolled my eyes. He threw me a giant shirt to let me change.

I turned away from him and begin stripping.

I could feel his eyes on my body

"When did you get those tattoos and what do they mean?" He asked.

I turned around. He was only in boxers and I was just in bras and panties.

The only thing I could find in the room for me to use to write with was a sharpie.

I couldn't find any paper so I decided to use Syn.

Hey, I am a Sullivan.

So anyway I walked over to him and since his arms were covered in tattoos I wrote on stomach where he could read it in the mirror. Yes I can write backwards.

*The tattoos on my wrist Are so that I will never forget to have harmony and peace in my life. I got them about 8 months after I ran away. The butterflies that got from one side, around my back to the other side, is to remind me of freedom. And last but not least the words on my thigh are to written backwards, so that When I am standing in the mirror then I will see them.*

I then got up and lead him to the mirror, I stood next him while he read it.

He then pulled me in front of him.

"When it is no longer have fun, it is time to quit." He read behind me, looking at the top of my thigh.

I look down to stare at the tattoos. I then pick my head up at bit and look at him. Doing this made my hair fall into my face.

He gathered my hair and put it over my shoulder.

I stared at him.

He stared at me.

He looks so different from when I left.
He has become more brooding. More authorities. I guess.

It might of turned me on. If I could forget that he was my jailer.

He lean in to kiss me my neck but I walked away and got into the bed. The sooner he is a sleep the sooner I can go back to the tattoo shop.

He sighed and got into the bed. He pulled the bed sheets and comforter over us and turned out the light. I thought that, he would turn over and go to sleep, but no. The whore had to just pull me in his arms. I hate him.

I waited until I heard his snores before trying to get out of his arms. That was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life.

When I was finally free I turned to see him still fast a sleep. I was almost free when his hand snapped over my wrist.

"Get Your Ass Back In This Fucking Bed." He growled.

I tried to free myself from his hands but it was tight.

"I mean Emmaline."

I sighed and I let him pull me back in. when He re wrapped his arms around me, he did it as tight as he could, well as tight as he could with me still being conferable and able to breath.

one of his hands started to comb Thur my hair.


That was my weakness and he knew it.

That is so cheating.

He knew that I would go straight to sleep if that happens.

And just like he knew I was soon asleep.

I swear I could hear His smirk in my sleep.
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