Almost Easy Baby girl.


"Shit Syn, The rev is going to murder you." My Johnny cried when he walked into the room looking for me.

"Calm down Christ, We didn't have sex." Syn replied Thinking I was asleep. His arm's were still wrapped around me but at some point he moved so that my head would be against his chest.

"I know you didn't have sex because she is to smart to go all the way with you."

"Please if I really and truly wanted her, I could get her to spread her legs for me." SYNESTER GATES IS A PIG!!!!!!!

"She already blew you off, didn't she?"

"I didn't truly want it them." My pig of a pillow grumbled.

"whatever, Wake her up and get her clothed because we need to get her downstairs and fed."

"Got it." I then heard the close.

I felt his fingers going thur my hair. "So, did you like my comment about you spreading you legs?" He asked me.

I turned so that I could see is face.

How did he know that I was awake?

"Your breathing changed just enough to show that you are awake also your body is relax when you are asleep." Is he a fucking mind reader?

I rolled my eyes removed myself from his grasp.

"What are you doing?" The dumbass asked.

I rolled my eyes and went to his bathroom and turned on the shower. As I waited for it to warm up the steam started to fill the room.

*Johnny said that I need to take a shower so I am taking a shower* I wrote onto the mirror.

"Oh. I guess I should go get you one of the outfits that Has been bought for you?" He ask form the doorway. I didn't answer him. That statement he gave doesn't even deserve an answer.

So For the millionth time I rolled my eyes and got into the shower.

After I use his shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner, I realized that I needed to shave my legs and his razor was the closes thing in the room.

I sighed, The guys would have a fit they found out the suicidal girl was left in a room with a razor. I might do something so crazy as to shave my legs!

At this point I didn't care and went ahead to use his razor. I was done when it slip from my hand and caught my arm before falling to the floor of the shower.


They are so going to kill me.

I picked up the razor and turned off the shower before stepping out. I wrapped the towel that he laid out for me around myself then got a dry washcloth to wrapped around my arm.

Now all I have to do is keep my arm hidden until I have clothes on and hope to hell that there are long sleeves on whatever he brings me.

When I walked out of the room there was the clothes spread out on the bed for me to wear.

My luck is changing because the clothes that were picked out for me to wear, had long sleeves.

Just as I was fully changed Johnny came in.

"I can't believe Syn was so irresponsible as to leave you alone." He grumbled

*Johnny I am 20 years old, I do believe I can shower and change without anyone watching me.* I wrote on the notebook he handed me.

"Emmeline, until we can trust you again, That will not be happening." He grabbed my hand and started to lead me downstairs. Damn, That one really did hurt.

"Good morning." Matt greeted me as Johnny forced me to sit in a chair at the table.

I looked around to see that Zacky, Syn, and my brother were not there. I raised my eyebrow to silently ask them where they were.

"They went to go do stuff at the studio. Since the vocals are down I am going to stay with you. Johnny is just about to leave." Matt said as he went into the kitchen to find break-feast.

Johnny then walked back in the room and kissed the top of my head goodbye.

When I was alone in the room I looked around. There was no one in sight.
I got up and was almost to the door before Matt grabbed my pony tail.

"What do you think you are doing little girl?" I singled for something to write on and with.

*Going to get the mail*

"I am sure you were. Come on lets eat breakfast, I am pretty sure you haven't eaten anything since you gotten here." I rolled my eyes and followed him.

I swear to god my eyes are going to fall out of my head. I have never rolled them this much in my life.

"Are you still a vegetarian?" He asked looking thur the kitchen.

I nodded my head as I sat down at the counter. He decided that since I can't be trusted in the dinning room then I have to sit in his sights at all times.

I think M. Shadows is the smartest member of the band.

"How about some cereal?" I shook my head no.

"to bad, Cereal is the only thing I can make fore break-fest that is meat free, so you are eating it."

I hate this place.

Zeke could make pancakes that were to die for. I dare to say that Zeke pancakes could rival Jimmy's pancakes.

Now just thinking about pancakes made me hungry for pancakes.

I haven't been hungry in forever.

*Matt I am not going to eat that soggy sorry excuse for a break-fest and if you try to pour down my throat I will throw it all back up, now if we were to go somewhere like IHOP, then I will happily eat Cheesecake Pancakes.* I wrote on the message board.

"Cheesecake Pancakes? That is the sickest single most disgusting thing that I have ever heard."

*That's what I thought when Brent first ordered them, But then he first me to take a bite and I fell in love with the pancakes.*

"Fine we will go but if you try any funny business, I will lock you in a room with your brother while he is on a sugar high."

That would scare anyone.

I nodded my head singling that I would be good. Matt grabbed his car keys and his coat. He then grabbed a brand new coat and gave it to me.

"Johnny got everything he thought you would ever need while living here." He explain.

I just shook my head and put on the coat.

During the ride to IHOP, Matt kept the doors locked and one eye on me.

I think he thinks that I am going to try to make a run for it. Don't get me wrong I am going to try to make a run for it, It's just that I am going to wait until AFTER I had my pancakes.

When we got to IHOP, Matt kept his hand on my elbow, It probable look like we were on a date But if these people felt how hard his grip was, they would know that this was far from it.

Matt set down across from me and put his Legs on the booth beside me so that if I tried to run away it would cause me some issues.

I studied that menu while waiting for the waiter to come.

When he did approach I didn't look up until I heard his voice.

"What would you like to drink?" I looked up to see it was really him! My luck is truly changing.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah. Here it is. Sorry if it is not the best I been having some issues latly