Almost Easy Baby girl.


"Hey Em. Hello Em's keeper."he sneered at Matt.

"I thought you work at the tattoo shop, what are you doing here." Matt growled at him.

"Well I took an extra job. Our um life style needs lots of money. Em are you coming back because we all miss you. Special Zeke and Luke." Josh said looking at me

"HELL NO she is not going back. We just got her clean of that shit. There is no way in hell am I or any of us are going to let her go back. Now please get us the damn pancakes she like so much. Get them to go." Matt tried very hard to keep his cool and not to kill my friend.

"Look Buddy, You do not own her she has every right. To do what ever she wants to do." Josh replied right before the manger came up.

"Is there a problem here?"

"Your waiter will not get my friend's pancakes. We would also like them to go." Matt said with authority

The manger sent Josh to fill the order while he tried to make it up to Matt.

"Believe me sir this will never happen again. In fact he will be fired because this is not his first time messing up." The manger told us.

Not long after the manger left us, Josh came back with the food and a to go container.

He didn't say anything but he did glare at Matt.

I stared at one of my best friends. I think he was getting sick. His skin was gray and there was bags under his eyes. Honestly he look like shit.

Josh walked away, I wanted to go with him.

I think Matt since this because he clamped his large hand on my arm wouldn't let go until he put me in the back of the car. He put me in the back because it had child safety locks on the door.

I felt like a child as he buckled me in and closed the door.

While we were driving out of the parking lot when I saw josh standing by a car. He was not alone. Zeke and Luke were with him. They look just like him, Skin and bone, colored gray and bags under their eyes. They look horrible.

What happen to them?

When I could no longer see the guys I turned my head so I could look at Matt. He kept looking ford ward. Never meeting my eyes.

All of sudden I felt this deep hate.

I hated this car for taking me away from the people that truly loved me. I hated this seat belt for holding me here. I hated Matt for driving the car. I hated Jimmy for taking me away the first time, and most of all, I hated myself for leavening my boys when they needed me the most.

The second the car got into the driveway and Matt turned off the Child safety lock, I bolted out of the car and ran down the drive way. A car pulled into the gate of the drive way as I tried to get out.

"DON'T LET HER OUT!" Matt screamed as I tried to get Thur the gates.

I heard different voices and then tattooed arms wrapped around me trying to stop me from freedom.

"Calm down little girl, Stop struggling and talk with us. We are not going to hurt you." the man holding me whispered into my ears.

Tears were flowing down my face as I watched my only hope to going back to my boys, closed. I stopped struggling and collapsed into the person holding me.

"Its going to be okay. I will not let anyone hurt you." The person kept whispering in my ear.

I felt whoever it was, pick me up and carry me back to the house.

A little while later, I still didn't know who was holding me but he held me on a couch and comforted me.

I was still struggling to get away but who ever it was, wouldn't let me go. After a long drown out while I buried my head into the mans chest. I don't know why but I felt safe with him holding me.

After a while I think they thought I was a sleep because the other men started to talk with Matt.

"From the looks you are giving me, you guys have question?" Matt asked the men.

"Well, Its not everyday a Girl tries to break out of bat country, crying. I thought most girls tried to break IN to bat country." The voice sounded like it came from across the room.

"Yes well this girl is different." Matt answered.

"No shit. But what makes her different?" that voice sounded close. Like right next to me close.

"Tobin, Man, Look at her face." Matt told the voice next to me.

Tobin? No it couldn't be.

"I can't its buried into Coby's chest."

Coby? what are the chances that a group of men could be together at the avenged sevenfold house, with two of the men named Tobin and Coby, and not be Papa Roach. I have a feeling that no matter how big I want them to be, It wasn't going to be much.

Papa Roach were like my second family, when I was with A7X.

If it was really Coby holding me then that would explain why I feel so safe in his arms. Coby was like a father to me.

Speaking of Coby, He was slowly moving my face from his chest. I quickly closed my eyes so that they wouldn't notice that I was in fact awake.

I felt the hair being moved out of my face. Then I heard a gasp from the man holding me and the guys surrounding me.

"NO!, It couldn't be!" Coby cried.

"Emmeline? But how?" Now that I knew who the guys around me were, I knew the voices and the name that belong to them. That was Jerry.

"This is not our Em, is it? This girl, looks sick and scared and not our Em." The words from Dave's mouth stung.

I wasn't their Em anymore but I didn't think I look sick.

I wasn't sick. I wasn't.

"Drugs." Matt whispered.

"No, Our Em wouldn't do drugs. Our Em was to smart for drugs. Our Em got everyone off of us drugs." Coby whispered as he kept pushing the hair away from my face.

"She was at a tattoo shop when we found her. Drugged out of her mind being tattoo artist. Ask Johnny to see the tat she gave him. But anyway when we realized it was her, she ran. After locking her self in her room behind the tattoo shop, She got high off coke then slit both her wrist. The she was living with a bunch of guys and you could tell they all were addicted. We brought her back here and are trying to help her get clean. If you look at her arms she tends to enjoy cutting them." Matt filled them in.

As Matt told Coby about my scars, I could feel him get tense.

"We pretty much force her to be with us at all times. She has been here for about two weeks"

"Why was she outside?" Jerry asked.

"Well as you can see from how tiny she is, She has developed a eating problem. I was watching her for the day since the vocals are pretty much done on the record. She told me that she would eat Ihop Pancakes so I took her to get some. She was very good on the trip there and everything went well until our waiter came. He was one of the guys we took her from. I got the damn pancakes and got us away from him. We just got back here when you guys came. She was making a break for it."

"Can I take her to her room?" Coby asked.

"Yeah, Its between Jimmy's and Johnny's."

"Of course it is, her brother can keep an eye on her and her best friend can help her get into trouble." Dave laughed.

I felt him picking me up and take me up stairs. Then I felt him dropping me on the bed.


I opened them and stared up at the rock star. The man who always treated me as a daughter and Jimmy as a kid brother.

He sat me up.

"WHAT THE HELL EMMELINE?" I didn't look at him. I couldn't look at him. I knew the guilt I would feel when I look into his eyes. I didn't want to feel it.

The man fell to his knees and forced me to look him in the eyes. After a long while of starring at me, he moved his eyes and hands to the arms laying in my lap.

I knew the second he saw the cuts I put on my arms, He will go nuts and I will be lucky to even shower without him forcing someone to sit in the bathroom.

It was as if someone slowed time. His big hands wrapped around my doll like arms, I watched as he pushed the sleeves up. His hold tighten on my arms as he looked at the skin on them both.

"What are you thinking? You SAW what I went Thur with self-mutilation, YET here you are cutting you self."

I reached around him to get the pad of paper from the nightstand.

*You don't understand*

"What do you mean and Why are you not saying anything?"

*I am not addicted to drugs, I do not have an eating problem and I am not going to kill myself with cutting.*

This pissed him off. He growled and pulled me off the bed and into the bathroom.


I still had the pad of paper in my hands so I wrote my answer on it.

*I see a girl with wonderful makeup and Gorgeous Hair.*

This angered him to the point that he turned on the shower to the bathroom and forced me under it. The Ice water felt like it was stabbing me.

He then pulled me out of it and took me to the mirror again.

"LOOK AT YOURSELF" He screamed.

So I did.

I really looked at the dripping wet girl with make up running down her face. I saw a girl who could of passed as a drown rat. She skinny to the point that it was disgusting. Her skin had that same gray color as Josh's. Her eyes had the bags that She last saw on Zeke and Luke. This girl was sick.

This girl couldn't be me.

She couldn't

It just could not be me in any way shape or form.

Could it?
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