Almost Easy Baby girl.


I felt the tears fall from my eyes, Coby turned me around so that he could look at me
"Look, I don't why you ran away and I don't know what you did when you ran away but I do know that the guys that live in this house almost died when you left. I also know that the three guys sitting with Matt, Love you as well. You may at times hate us but we Will help you."

I stared at him. He look a lot older then I remember but he is hitting 34. Those yeas of partying is starting to catch up to him.

"Why don't we go downstairs and you can eat your pancakes. I think the other guys will be home soon."

I nodded my head but Before leavening I took the notepad

*Can I change?*


*I am soaking wet*

"Oh yea, sorry, um where are your clothes?"

*How should I know?*

He raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know, Maybe because you are the one wearing them"

*I don't know where they get them.*

"How did you get what you are wearing now?"

*Well after Brian let go of me and allowed me to get out of bed, he got out and went someplace and retrieved clothes while I showered.*


*Calm down, we didn't sleep sleep together. Besides Brian is like 7 years older then me and he is a whore.*

"Okay fine but we still need to get you clothes."

At that point Johnny walked in with Brian close behind him.

"Honey I'm home." Jimmy called from downstairs.

"Coby, Jimmy wants you." Johnny smirked.

"But Johnny I wanted alone time with Brian!" Coby put his hands together and started to flutter his eyelashes.

The whole thing was deserving.

And gross.

"Sorry man I go for the ladies. Speaking of, Em did you enter a wet shirt contest and not invite us?"

I really want to slap him one of these days.

"No man, Bad, Just No, Show me where you keep her clothes." Coby pretty much growled at Brian.

"Why can't Johnny get them?" Brian whinnied.

"Because I need to tell you something." Coby pulled him out of the room and Johnny turned to me.

"Why do I have a feeling that whatever they are about to talk about will be painful for Syn?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Coby Baby, Where are you!" My brother screamed while walking down the hall. He peered into my room.

"Have you guys seen smoochy Baby?"

I shook my head in pure fear.

Johnny was doing the same thing.

Jimmy sighed then walked out to look for Coby.

"Don't worry I saw him with a chick earlier. He is still straight, I think."

*Am I that scary?*


*I'm sorry* I gave Johnny the puppy eyes.

"It is okay I have gotten use to it now put those eyes away. You know I am butter when you do that."

I started laughing when The three other guys came in.

"Okay we have picked out a outfit Darling, It will make your eyes go BAM and just like totally pop!" My brother sashayed towards me.

My eyes grew about four times there size.

*Jimmy, Do you have something you need to tell me? I mean I will still love you if you start batting for the other team, I have no issues with gay guys but you know I just want a heads up before I see a guys walking out of your room in only your shirt.*

When Johnny read it out loud for me, all the guys started to crack up.

"No I am still straight as a noddle, go get change, oh why are you wet any way?" My brother asked.

I pointed at Coby.

"Don't ask."

My brother shrugged and I went into the bathroom to change. "You have 5 Min's" Coby screamed.

I rolled my eyes. I decided that I wanted to give my wardens heart attacks so I changed then just sat in front of the locked door.

When Five Min's past there was knock.
I didn't answer.

Another Knock.
No answer from me.

Commands for me to open the door.
No answer from me.


The four men were now standing in the space my door use to stand. My door was now all over the bathroom.

I shook my head, got up and walked past them down the stairs.

They have to stop over reacting.

When I walked downstairs My pancakes were warmed up and sitting in front of Zacky, in the living room. Zacky and Jerry were poking them with forks.

I took the plate away from the and plopped down on top of Zacky and rested my feet on Jerry.

"Cheesecake Pancakes Have to be the grosses thing I have ever heard." Zacky informed while I ate heaven.

I think my mouth was having an orgasm.

"I agree, How the hell are you eating them with out barfing?" Jerry asked me.

I look at him in the eye and picked up the fork. I then put it in my mouth and chewed.

Zacky was about to say something else but I rolled my eyes and stuffed a piece in his mouth. I then did it to Jerry.

"Stop eating her pancakes!" Tobin yelled

"Yeah guys She needs them WAY more then you two." Tony added.

"Are you calling me fat?" Zacky cried.

"Yes." Matt called.

I rolled my eyes and took a sharpie and wrote on Zacky.

*You are not fat, you are tubby and I like the fact that you tubby because it is what makes you Zacky.*

He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"She can't sleep in her room anymore." Jimmy announced as he and the other three door destroyers, walked in.

"Why not?" Tobin asked.

"Because We broke the bathroom door and in the process of fixing it we tore up her room. It might be best if you just accept that answer and ask anymore questions." Johnny warned.

I shared a scared look with Jerry.

"She can just keep sleeping in my room." Syn suggested.

For a strange reason, My brother agreed.

I do not like my brother.

One of these days when he is not looking I am SO tattooing "I am a pretty pink PRINCESS" On his forehead.

I was about to beg Johnny to take me but the door bell rang so He left to get it.

*save me Zacky* I wrote on his arm since I was still useing him as a chair.

"Sorry babe"

I rolled my eyes at him and jump off his lap. I think it is time to attack my brother...

Well at least that was what I was about to do when Johnny walked in with the two new additions.

I turned to see Matt and Jason Berry. Then everything started to come back. That night 5 years ago.

The pain, The night mirrors. Everything came rushing back.

The last thing I remember before everything went black was, *I need my drugs*
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