Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 1

I packed my bags and was ready to begin my journey to Florida. I had just been accepted to Florida Gulf Coast University and I couldn't wait to finally be on my own. My parents drove me to the airport and said their goodbyes before I boarded the plane. I thought this new adventure would be great, I would get to leave Monroe, Illinois and begin living my own life. But....If I would have known what was going to happen...would I have gotten on that plane?....or would I have stayed?

When I exited the plane after a way to long ride I grabbed my carry-on bags and made my way to the baggage claim. I smiled when I was able to feel the Florida heat and waited patiently for my bags to come around. When I found them I grabbed them quickly and made my way outside. I found that my car had be transported with ease and I excitedly put my bags into my trunk and got ready to drive to my new apartment. I put my keys into my dark blue 2010 Mazda and made my way to my new home.

*At the Apartment*

I looked up at the large building at which one of the rooms would be mine and hurriedly parked my car. I grabbed my many bags and dragged them into the building.
A very greasy old man at the front desk-who was wearing a dark green uniform and a very obvious hair piece-gave me my room number and my key. I once again dragged my bags into the elevator and pushed the fourth floor button. Once at my floor I exited the elevator and attempted to find my room. But after looking for ten minutes and not finding it...I placed my many bags down in an area where there were some vending machines and sat down on a tiny bench.

A man in a similar green uniform quickly passed by and I went to get his attention. But of course me and all my gracefulness had to trip over the leg of the bench and fall flat on my face. The man quickly turned around and looked down at me. I could tell he was trying not to laugh...and he offered his hand to me. I took it while blushing a dark crimson and finally got around to asking where on earth my room was. He grabbed most of my bags and gestured for me to follow him. In a matter of seconds he found room 22 and I opened the door with my key. I thanked the man and asked what his name was...but he only tipped his hat...and walked away.

What a strange guy I thought to myself as I walked into my tiny apartment and placed my bags in the "living room." The little amount of furniture I had purchased had made it here before me and I was glad that I wouldn't have to sleep on the floor tonight. Classes at the college started in two weeks and the actual college was only two miles away. It was around 9:30 PM and I began attempting to move around my furniture. My apartment had a medium sized bedroom, full bathroom, a small living room outside the bedroom and a kitchen across from the living room. The walls were painted a ghastly foam green color and I was hoping to re-paint as soon as possible. Around 12 I became exhausted as all the days events came crashing down on me. I walked into my bedroom and slept for the first time in my new apartment.
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This is the first chapter....kinda boring but don't worry I have some suprises coming soon.
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