Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 10

Dear Alexandra or Alex, June, 16, 1861

I wrote back only because you ask this of me. I do have trouble grasping the concept that you are from the year 2010. And as for this being the most exiting thing to ever happen to you, I can surely tell you are not from this year. If you were, then the most exiting thing to ever happen to you would be to watch a battle happen right in front of your eyes. I hope this is not a joke. For I have actually been thinking about the last letter you sent and have found it interesting. I am also eighteen years of age and hail from North Carolina. I have a mother, father and two sisters. My father is on the Union side of the war, even though I strongly disagree with the slaughter of the people that I know and have known since a very young age. I hope that this war will be over soon and that I will not have to worry about my loved ones safety.

Sincerely, Gabriel Farris
He wrote back...were the first thoughts that ran through my mind. I did wonder if he actually thought I was from the year 2010 and not just going along with what I said. He sounded genuine enough and I decided to write another letter back.
This time I had a lot of confidence that the letter would get to him, and that he would most likely write back. I went to my desk and began writing a letter, for the third time.

"Dear Gabriel, June 16, 2010

Thank you for writing back. I can assure you that I have never seen a battle happen right before my eyes, and for that I am grateful. I promise you that this is not a joke and I find your letters interesting also. As for my family, I have a mother, father, and a little brother. I am currently living in Florida and enjoying the Sunshine State. I am sorry that you have to constantly be worried about your loved ones. And it pains me that I know when the war will end....I can tell the date if you want. I also can't help but ask about Alexandra, excuse me for being nosy. But it seems like you care for her greatly. How did you two meet?

Sincerely, Alex
I put my newest letter into an envelope and placed it in the book. I took the letter he had written and placed it in the dresser drawer with the others. I put the book on my bed side table and laid down in my bed.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell into a dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have chosen a song! It shall be "Set Fire to the Third Bar" by: Snow Patrol. That means that someone won the new character in the story.
I was also wondering if someone would like to make me a banner for this story?
So...all you banner makers UNITE! (:
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