Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 11

I woke up that morning later than I had expected and got up rather quickly. I showered (without any attack) and got dressed into a red shirt and dark denim jeans. Throughout all
of my morning activities I was forcing myself not to run to the book and see if my letter had been read. After I pored myself breakfast I found that I was eating twice as fast as I normally would, and to stop all the anticipation I ran to my bed side table and nearly tackled the book. I opened it up to a find another letter sent by Gabriel. I almost yelped in excitement as I gently lifted the wax insignia off the letter. It read....

"Dear Alex, June, 17, 1861

I was very pleased when I found that you had written back. You said some thing that confused me in your last letter and I would like to know what you had meant. You stated you lived in the State of Sunshinyness? I have never heard of such a place. But I'm sure that it must be warm there. As for Alexandra, I do not mind talking about her. She is the woman that I plan on marrying. Someday soon I hope. We met years ago when her family moved from one town to another and I took an immediate interest in her. I do care for her dearly and I wish that this war will be over soon. Do you have someone special that you care for? You also said that you could "Tell me when the war will end."And I must admit I would very much like to know. But, If I did know it would feel strange and I would be waiting endlessly for that day. So with my better judgment guiding me I ask you not to tell me when the war will end. But thank you for offering.

Sincerely, Gabriel

I laughed as I read the question about the "State of Sunshineyness" and proceeded to write back. I got a blank sheet of paper, pen, and began to write.

"Dear Gabriel, June, 17, 2010

Yes the "Sunshineyness State" is very warm. And I understand about you not wanting to know the date that the war will end. If I knew back then it would have driven me mad. And you wanting to marry Alexandra is very sweet. But in the present day, marrying someone at eighteen is a bit too young. As for having someone special that I care about, I don't. Not yet at least. I am trying to further my schooling and become a journalist. I hope that you write back soon.

Sincerely, Alex

I took my letter, placed it in the envelope and then put it in the book. The phone suddenly rang and caused me to jump. I laughed at my paranoia and placed the book down on the desk. I went to get the phone and when I picked up I got some very good news. It turned out that I got the job at "Stream Music" and my first day would be tomorrow. I danced like a fool for a little bit, celebrating that I was actually employed now. I was practically giddy as I made my way out of my apartment door and decided to walk around for a bit. I was determined to be a healthy person and take the stairs for once. As I walked down the four flights of stairs to the ground floor my mind wandered to No-Name. And I was secretly hoping to see him.

I came out of the Lobby (waving to Frank of course) and made my way out the revolving doors. I began walking on the farthest end of the sidewalk but somehow migrated to the very edge.I must have looked like a trapeze artist, with the way I held my hands out to balance myself. Suddenly the secret wish I had made earlier came true, as No-Name walked around the corner. No doubt he saw me looking like an idiot, and in complete embarrassment I put my arms to my sides. But that made me loose my already terrible balance. I slipped of the ledge and fell flat on my butt. I covered my face with my hands, hoping he would just walk by me...but nooooo. He had to be a gentleman.

He quickly ran over to me and held out his hand. The first thing I noticed where his emerald eyes. They were unlike anything I had ever seen before. With flecks of blue and silver in them. The second thing I noticed was that he wasn't in his regular green uniform. He was wearing denim baggy pants a black shirt and a baseball cap. I took his hand and he lifted me off pavement. I must have looked like a tomato as I felt my cheeks heat up. He grinned at me, tipped his cap (like he had done before), and walked away. I was so star-struck I didn't realize that haden't even spoken to me. I face palmed myself and sighed. I am going to get this boy to talk to me.....even if I have to fall of twenty more sidewalks.
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P.S. Happy Valentines Day