Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 12

I woke up the next morning and realized that I had to be at work in two hours. I rushed to get ready and in all the confusion I had almost forgotten about the letter....almost. I ran to the desk and opened the book to find another one of Gabriel's letters. I was ecstatic and grinning like a fool. I lifted the wax insignia and read....

Dear Alex,

I assure you that marrying someone at eighteen is not considered young. But with this wretched war I will have to wait. As for you not having someone special that you care about,
that is unfortunate. I hope that you are not an unappealing woman. I am joking of course. It is very interesting that you want to have a career. I am guessing the in the future women
can work just like men. I think that women should have the same rights as men but the stupid pig-headed people that rule over us want otherwise. I must be honest with you, I enjoy your
letters. And I hope that we can continue writing as frequent as we do.

Sincerely, Gabriel
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he has a sense of humor I said to myself. I decided to try and send a picture to him so he can see what I actually look like. While looking for a recent photo of me I couldn't
help but pay attention to the butterflies that I felt in the it of my stomach when I read that he enjoyed talking with me. I enjoyed it too...maybe a little more than I should. Before I could think on the subject any further I shook my head and returned to trying to find a picture. I looked through my drawers and found two good pictures. One was of me on my dads boat, and the other one was from graduation. I put them aside and began to write a letter back.

Dear Gabriel,

I have placed two pictures of myself in this letter. I hope that you get them. Then you can judge whether or not I'm unattractive hah. I have to say that I also enjoy reading your letters, very much actually. And don't worry, in the future women are considered as equal as men are. And women also are employed at the same places that men are. It makes me kind of sad that you can't see any of it. I wish I could meet you....but I don't think you can send yourself in a letter. I also hope that we can continue writing as often as we do and I will be waiting for your next letter.

Your Friend, Alex

After writing the letter I placed it and the two pictures in an envelope. I put it in the book and realized that If I didn't hurry I was going to be late. I put the book down on my dresser and made my way out of the apartment. My first day at a new job...this should be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here are the two pictures that Alex sent in the letter.



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