Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 13

I drove the half an hour ride to the mall and ran up the stairs to Stream Music. I was five minutes away from being late and that would not look good on the first day. I made it surprisingly in time and met Hayley at the front counter. She explained to me that we had the same working hours and would be working together from now until someone gets a
schedule change. I didn't mind working with Hayley, she seemed nice enough and gave me a tour of the tiny store. There were CD racks on every wall and had been organized by the genre. I also found it very easy to locate some of my favorite bands.

The store was painted black with the occasional splatter of crimson red on each corner. There were also may posters and a small t-shirt shelf on the back wall. I decided to do some organizing and fixed up the shirts while Hayley made a store play list to listen too. A few customers walked in throughout the day but it was a Wednesday so I didn't expect many.

At closing time Hayley and I decided to get some lunch. We headed down to the Food Court and picked up some amazing Chinese food. We talked about everything under the sun and I was wondering on whether or not to tell her about Gabriel. But in the end I decided that she would most likely think I was crazy and call someone to take me to the loony bin. Once we finished we said our goodbyes and I headed outside to find my car. I forgot where I parked it so I wondered around looking like an idiot for about fifteen minutes. When I finally found it I got in and couldn't wait to get home.

Once at the apartment I ran to the book on my dresser and frantically looked for another letter sent by Gabriel. I couldn't find my letter but I also didn't see one from him. So I guessed that he had received my letter but hadn't written back yet. I sadly put the book down and decided to finish painting the walls. I moved all the furniture out of the way and taped around the objects that I would rather not get paint on. After three hours of hard work the bedroom had been painted in a wonderful blue color. I opened some of the windows and sat in the living room while waiting for the paint to dry. I decided to take a shower because I think I got more paint on myself than on the wall.

Once I was clean my mind was debating with itself. One side was saying to go and check
the book again and the other side was saying that I was getting way to addicted to these letters. I decided to ignore the last voice and I quickly checked the book. This time there was a new letter and I almost jumped with joy. I opened it up to find that something had fallen out. It was an old faded looking picture of a boy. He was around my age and because of the discoloration I couldn't tell what color his eyes were. Though I could tell that his hair was black and he was wearing a light colored shirt. I studied his face and couldn't help but swoon a bit. This boy in the picture definitely had looks on his side. I then remembered the letter and began to read....

Dear Alex,

I have sent a picture of myself with this letter and I hope you are happy that I got the pictures you sent. The clarity and the color of them was amazing. The future must be a wonderful place. As for you being attractive I must say that you are very beautiful. Forgive me if I embarrass you but you must be one of the most attractive females I have ever come across. I hope you do not mind if I keep the pictures, I promise not to show them to anyone it is just that, I was wondering what you looked like and...I do not want to forget. I was thinking about how you said that you wished you could meet me, and I wish I could meet you too. The feeling gets stronger every time I receive on of your letters. I find myself checking for any messages more often than I should actually. I will be waiting for your next letter.

Your Friend, Gabriel

My stomach was doing flips as I read the letter over and over again. He actually called me beautiful, and he wished he could meet me too. I was practically giddy when something hit me. I frowned as I tried to place the feeling that was building up inside of me. I knitted me eye brows and took another look at the picture that Gabriel had sent me. The feeling hit me again and this time I realized what it was. I liked Gabriel....I liked him way more than I ever should have. And the problem is....I don't think I can stop.
♠ ♠ ♠
Picture of Gabriel.

Well Alex finally came to a realization. But how will she deal with it?

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