Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 14

After my epiphany I realized that I hadn't moved from the same spot in almost fifteen minutes. I got up of the floor and began to think about what I would write to him next.
I grabbed a piece of paper, pen, and began to scribble....

Dear Gabriel,

I did get the picture you sent and to be honest you have to be one of the most attractive males I have ever seen. I also have to say that you didn't embarrass me when you called me beautiful. I thought it was very sweet. Of course you can keep the pictures I sent, and I hope I can keep the picture of you in return. As for you checking your messages more often that you should, your not the only one.I am constantly checking the book in which I find your letters. I remember you saying that you had a feeling when you received one of my
letters...and I get a feeling too. I actually realized what that feeling was today. But I wont bore you with the details. In other news I got a job. It's at a tiny music store called "Stream Music." I actually like it there and I hope I can get some discounted Cd's hah. Until next time....

Your friend, Alex

I folded the letter and put it in an envelope. I had to stop myself from banging my head against the wall. Why couldn't I just tell him that I liked him!?...Well maybe because he wants to get married to some other girl...and he lives in 1861! My mind argued with itself until I couldn't take it anymore. I stuffed the letter into the book and practically ran out of the apartment. I needed to clear my head....and figure out what to do with this new information.

It was getting dark outside but that didn't stop me from taking a late night walk. There was a cool breeze and it felt nice after the hot day. I sat down at a near by bench and decided to process the thoughts in my head one by one....It sounded kind of like this....

Do you really like Gabriel?
Yes...even though I don't want to admit it.

Why are you so afraid of admitting this to yourself?
Well, Because he already professed his love for someone else and he lives in a different time period!

Are you going to continue talking to him?
Yes...I don't think I can stop.

Would you fight for his affection if you had too?
I don't know. But I defiantly want to get to know him better.

These where the questions I asked myself while I sat on that bench. And these were the questions I was afraid the most. I had one last question to ask myself....and It had to be the hardest....

So, You like Gabriel....What are you going to do about it?
Sadly for now....nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter is so short....I might have another one up today.
I lost another subscriber....This story really can't be THAT bad?...Is it?
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