Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 15

I got up from the small bench after I realized that I had been outside for almost and hour and a half. I dragged my feet into the apartment complex and stepped into the elevator. I pressed the fourth floor button and waited impatiently for the elevator to take me to my apartment. Today just wasn't my turns out that everyone had to use the elevator at the exact same moment and I tapped my foot in annoyance as the elevator stopped at every other floor....except mine. I was only a floor away from the fourth when the elevator stopped again. I sighed and looked at the wall, ignoring the person that had just gotten on. My curiosity got the better of me and I glanced at the person from the corner of my eye. I quickly swiveled around so I could be face to face with....No-Name.

I didn't even try to smile or say anything...I just stared at him. His features were oddly familiar...and it felt like I knew him from somewhere...other than the apartment that is. He smiled gently as I felt my feet take a mind of their own and they led me out of the elevator and into my apartment. I then shook my head as if to clear it from the daze that suddenly overcame me. The weight of the day fell heavily on my shoulders and my body was begging for sleep. I changed into something to sleep in and brushed my teeth almost mechanically. I then got into the bed and laid my head down on the pillow. I willed my brain to shut down for the moment and I attempted to get a good nights rest.

It turns out that I didn't have any work on Thursdays or Sundays. And since today happened to be a Thursday the morning was slightly pleasant. I was still getting over the events of yesterday and I hadn't checked the book for a new letter either. As much as I enjoyed the feeling that Gabriel's letter's brought me, I was still troubled by the fact that I liked him more than I ever should have. After a few hours of mindlessly cleaning the house and watching stupid reality television I couldn't take it any longer.

I put down the broom that I was currently holding and walked into my bedroom. I then took the book from my bed side table and opened it slowly. Just as I had secretly hoped...their was another letter from Gabriel inside. I couldn't help but smile as I gently lifted the wax insignia from the letter. It read....

"Dear Alex,

I have to say that I was very surprised when you called me attractive. I am of course flattered. It is a relief that I am not the only one who checks for your letters a little too often. When I read about the CD's I did not understand you...but it seems like a nice job. You also mentioned that you feel something when you open my letters and I promise that you will not "bore me with the details" as you put it. On the contrary, I was actually trying to name the feeling that overcame me. So would you please tell me? I also have some news. I was hoping to talk to you about it, because I feel like your the only person I can trust at the moment. It's about Alexandra. I don't know what I can do anymore. We do write to each other, but I don't feel as if she really puts as much effort into her letters as she used too. I actually find myself enjoying talking to you more than she. I do not know if I will ever get the marriage I was hoping for, but maybe this war was good for something. If it wasn't for this dreadful battle...I would have never realized that me and Alexandra were not meant to be. And....I would have never met you....

Yours truly, Gabriel"

I breath caught in my throat and I felt my knees give in on me. I slumped down onto the floor and tried to remember the process in which oxygen enters your lungs. Gabriel...he and Alexandra weren't working out. He said he was glad he had met me...and signed the letter "Yours truly." I didn't exactly know what all this meant...but what I did know was that I was ecstatic and I quickly began to write a letter back to him.
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I worked really hard on this I hope you guys like it. :D
I got my subscribers back! Plus two more...I was so exited and it gave me the motivation to write this chapter....even if I have an insane headache.
So what do you guys think of Gabriels letter?
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