Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 16

The sound of my alarm woke me and caused me too jumped in surprise. While laughing at my own paranoia I realized that I had work today. While getting ready my mind was thinking on it's own accord. I told myself that I wouldn't think about the book...or Gabriel. But my brain disagreed with me. After getting dressed I realized I had an hour to kill before I had to leave the apartment. I slowly walked into my bedroom and took my time picking up the book from my desk. Flipping it's pages to find...nothing. He hadn't written back yet. I felt a frown etch it's way onto my face and decided to leave the apartment anyways. I grabbed my bag, car keys, and headed out the door.

I made it to the mall with half an hour to kill and decided to walk around for a while. My paycheck wasn't going to be given to me until I worked a full week and I already had a few things to buy in mind. The half an hour passed by quickly and I made my way upstairs and into "Stream Music." Hayley was apparently running late when she ran into the store about twenty minutes after me. She explained that her alarm clock "accidentally" been thrown against the wall...and it failed to wake her up. While talking to Hayley I realized that she had become almost like a best friend to me. We talked about everything and anything. I had even told her about No-Name. The only subject that was stayed away from was....Gabriel. I have never even mentioned him. I impulsively decided to talk to her about him...and hope that she doesn't think I'm insane.

I turned to her and said "Hey...Hayley, I have something to tell you about."

"Yeah?...what is it Alex?".....

I suddenly froze and desperately wanted to take back what I had said. She looked at me expectantly and I knew that I had to say something.

"What do you think about...umm...time travel?" I said more like a question than a statement.

She looked at me with an amused expression and replied "I don't know, I guess it's possible. Why do you ask?"

I took a deep breath and began to tell the story......the whole story. When I finished she was flabbergasted. I expected for her to call the paramedics to take me away to some mental hospital...but after a few minutes of silence she yelled "That's so cool!"

I laughed and began to answer the millions of questions that she began to ask me. I even told her that I liked Gabriel more than a friend...and that he might feel the same. She practically jumped with joy...and said that I was having a "Romeo and Juliet romance."
I secretly hoped that this wasn't going to be a "Romeo and Juliet romance"....because we all know how well that turned out.

Time flew by quickly and before I knew it I was headed back to the apartment. It felt good to talk to someone about Gabriel. And by the way that Hayley responded to that information...I knew she was a good friend.
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Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! But I promise to have another one out today.
And to all my commenter's...You guys are seriously amazing. I appreciate every single comment I get.
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