Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 17

While thinking about Gabriel throughout the whole car ride home I hit myself in the head when I realized that I had written a letter back to him...but I never put it in the book! was still lying on my dresser. No wonder he hadn't written back! I quickly raced home and into my apartment door. When I reached my room I grabbed the letter from the dresser and quickly shoved it in the book. I repeatedly hit myself in the head for forgetting and I knew that I would have to wait until tomorrow for my next letter. I sat on my bed and began to think about the letter I wrote to him...and how he would react to it.
It said....

"Dear Gabriel,

I did say that I felt something when I opened your letters, and after thinking about for a very long time...I figured out what it is. you. More that a friend, more than I should...but I can't help it.

I don't exactly know if you feel the same way...or if you think that I'm just ridiculous. I really hope not. As for Alexandra, I really am sorry. I know that you loved her and it's horrible that you'll never get the marriage you were hoping for with her. And as for being glad you met me....I am very glad I met you. I will be waiting for your next letter.

Yours Truly, Alex

I smiled when I thought about the "Yours Truly" part. And I really hoped that the letter that I would receive back...would not be one full of rejection. The minutes towards midnight passed quickly and I found myself struggling to stay awake. I finally let sleep overtake me...and I silently hoped that when I woke up, I would find another letter from Gabriel.

My alarm woke me once again and I struggled to open my eyes. When I was finally completely conscious I remembered the letter I'd sent. I quickly ran to my dresser and nearly dropped the book. I opened the pages to find another one of Gabriel's letters. My heart sped up as I lifted the wax insignia and prepared to read the contents of the letter. This could be either very good....or very bad. I unfolded the letter to read....

"Dear Alex,

I was caught off guard by the bluntness of your letter. I don't exactly know what to say about it. But...what I do know is...I like you. I really and truly like you. And I am very sure
that the feelings that I get when I read your letters are more than friendship. I absolutely do not think you are ridiculous and as for feeling the same way as you....I do.

As for Alexandra, you do not have to worry about her any longer. I found out the reason why her letters were not as genuine as they used to be. It turns out that she found a solider to keep her company. And they have decided to wed. She wrote that she was "sorry" and that "she still loves me as a person." I will not lie to you. This information did make me upset, very upset. But I can not help but be a little glad about it. Because now...I can be...with you.

Yours Truly, Gabriel"

I held my hand to my heart, as if it would explode. He felt the same way! He wants to be I must have read the letter twenty times before I put it down. A large grin was plastered all over my face and I felt like jumping with joy. Suddenly...I came to a realization....and the happiness that I felt before had completely disappeared.

He wants to be with me...he likes me. I want to be with him...I like him. But how can we be together?....the answer is...we can't. I felt my eyes fill with tears. I fell to the floor as the salty water ran down my face, staining it. I took both arms and wrapped them around myself, as if that would hold my now broken heart together. The tears eventually evolved into full blown sobs.

These words ran through my mind as I laid crumpled on the ground. I felt like I should have run out of tears a long time ago....but they just kept pouring down. I struggled to keep myself together and tried to get up off the ground. It was to no avail. I couldn't bring myself to stand. I inched my way to the wall and leaned against it...just thinking....

....You can never be together....

....Writing these letters are a waste of time....

....He probably just feels sorry for you....
♠ ♠ ♠
She finally came to realize the full situation....but what will happen?

Will she continue writing letters?


Will she completely stop?

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