Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 19


Suddenly the pages of the book began to ruffle quickly and just as I went to pick it up....

The book literally flew into my hands. the pages began to settle and I took a closer look to find...another letter. A new letter...from Gabriel. I held my breath as I tried to come to terms with what just happened. My hand shook as it tried to reach for the letter that was laying in the center of the pages. I slowly placed the book down and lifted the wax insignia to read....

"Dear Alex,

My whole heart aches when I read that I was the cause of your tears. I can not bear to be a burden to you. I hope that I am not. I know that I can not see your face, but I can
see it through the beautiful pictures you sent. And I know that is not enough, but it is truly better than nothing at all. I also agree that I could not stop writing letters to you
I feel selfish, but I enjoy talking to you too much for me to stop.I do think that we could be in a "relationship" as you put it. But I would have to ask formally.
Alex Ridgeway The radiance of your beauty make flowers blush. Take my hand and make my life a fuller joy with you in it."

Yours Always, Gabriel

I covered my mouth with my shaking hand...and this time instead of a sob of sadness...a sob of pure joy escaped from my mouth. I couldn't believe my eyes it was too good to be true. And Gabriel's letter had been sent so fast. I wondered that maybe this new process would be like a handwritten instant messaging system. I write a letter to him, he receives it quickly and he writes one back. Maybe my wish had come true...and talking to him would be so much simpler. I hurried to grab a pen, paper, and began to write.

"Dearest Gabriel,

Yes, absolutely positively yes. In this time and age what you just asked would be translated into "Will you be my girlfriend" and the answer is still yes!. I promise that you are not a burden to me. Actually you are the exact opposite. I enjoy getting your letters and I look forward to them every day. I think that we should be able to communicate back and fourth quicker. I hope that once you receive my letter you will understand what I mean. It does upset me that I can never see your face in person. But the picture will be able to hold me for now. Until next time.

Yours always, Alex.

I smiled as I placed it in an envelope and out it into the book. It began to shake once again and I was confident that Gabriel would receive my letter quickly. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair as I sat on the bed and waited for him to write back. I couldn't believe it. The first boyfriend I had in two years...and he's one-hundred and forty-nine years old. But you know what.....I don't even care.
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Not what you expected?...or maybe you did?

I'm not supposed to be up right now!'s like 12:00 am. But I am usually never my commenter's inspired me to write another chapter.

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