Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 2

I woke up to the sun shining in my face and automatically made a note to go buy curtains....soon. I unwillingly detached myself from the bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. I was not a morning person so I decided to take a nice hot shower to wake me up. But do things ever go as planned with me?....the answer is..No. I got in the shower waiting for the warm water to relax me...but instead I got freezing cold water and jumped out as fast as I could. But apparently "Wet Feet + Tile Floor= Alex Falling." To try and stop the
inevitable from happening I grabbed onto the shower curtain. That made the shower curtain rip off the pole, causing the pole to fall on the shower head. Now...I think you know what happens next....The shower head sprayed the icy cold water ALL over the bathroom making an Ohh So Wonderful flood.

I definitely did NOT think this is how my first morning in my new apartment was going to go. I wrapped a towel around me and quickly turned the shower off. I then threw the good for nothing curtains in the trash can and placed the pole back in it's rightful place. I then threw some more towels on the floor to soak up the giant mess that only I could have made. I then made my way out of the bathroom and chose a pair of jean shorts and a blue shirt to wear. Thank goodness for the Florida heat I thought to myself as I let my naturally black straight hair air dry. I decided to do some shopping....considering the fact that I need food...and to replace the things I...umm broke. I grabbed my bag and key's and made my way out the door. My first day exploring Fort Myers, Florida...This should be interesting.
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I got the idea for this chapter when I...umm dropped my I-Pod into my breakfast. Hah. As you can guess I'm not so graceful either. did you like the
chapter?....Good...Bad...Horrifying? Tell me what you think.
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