Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 20

I sat on my bed just waiting for another letter to arrive. My eyes felt like 20 pounds of lead and I was falling asleep with every blink I took. I was tilting against the head board of the bed and on the verge of sleep when the sudden rattling of the book shocked my back into consciousness. I dived for it and searched frantically for the next letter.
It read....

"My beloved Alex,

I understand what you meant by communicating quicker. And I must say I am ecstatic. I have to tell you the truth, when I read that you had accepted my offer I jumped around like my sisters do when they play in the field. The men that I am currently staying with gave me strange glances and disapproving glares, but I could care less. You Alex Ridgeway said yes.
And for that I am eternally grateful. I promise to you, I will find a way for us to be
together...even if I must travel to the ends of the Earth and back. You are my light Alex Ridgeway. Please never forget that.

Yours always and forever, Gabriel"

I was in and out of a conscious state as I read his letter. But I could fully understand every syllable, every word, and every sentence. I took my pen, paper, and began to scribble.

"My dearest Gabriel,

I am half asleep while writing this, but I can't bring myself to stop. It made me laugh when you mentioned jumping around like your sisters and I hope that the other men do not think you are crazy. And of course I said yes, their was no possible way that I could have said
anything other than yes. As for you finding a way for us to be together, I really hope that it is possible. My feelings for you grow stronger with each and every letter that we send. I can't wait for your next one.

Yours forever, Alex"
I smiled a groggy half smile and sent the letter, knowing that Gabriel and I had a sure way of communicating. It turned out that Gabriel and I had talked the whole night. Letters being
sent back and forth, back and forth. We found many things in common with each other, even though the age difference was greater than I could have ever imagined. And as I said in the previous
letter. My feeling grew stronger and stronger. I couldn't believe the sensitivity and amount of compassion that Gabriel held and he was so polite. Always asking if I was too tired to continue writing.
But of course the answer was always no. Eventually we both fell asleep and that night I had peaceful dreams. Dreams filled with the love and care that Gabriel showed in every
one of his letters. Alex Farris...that sounds good to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
It is now 12:19...and I STILL should not be on the computer....but I just had to update just one more time. it is.
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