Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 21

I woke up the next morning and realized that it was sunday and I had no work. I then turned to my side and noticed something wedged into the book. It was a small peice of paper and once I brought it closer it read "Good Morning." I grinned and hugged the tiny paper to me. If I couldn't actually hear Gabriel tell me good morning least I could know he was thinking of me. I turned the small peice of paper around and wrote "Good Morning (:" I giggled lightly at the added happy face and closed it in the book. I sighed and knew that I neded to get up. I had slept in and it was around one thirty in the afternoon. Well thats what you get for talking to him all night my mind chastised. I went into the bathroom and carried out with my regular morning schedual. I kept glancing at the book, in case he wrote back.

Almost two hours had passed and I was beggining to become very worried. He is in a war...what if something horrible happened. My mind then went on a rampage of things that might have happened.

Four hours and he still hadnt written back. I was getting frantic and biting my finger nails to the point where I had none. I couldn't take it any longer and I ran into the kitchen to grab my cell phone. I scrolled down the contacts list until I found the number I was looking for.


"Hayley....I think something bad happened to Gabriel"....I said softly into the speaker.

I heard a small gasp follwed by "I'll be right there."

I gave Hayley directions to my apartment building and she was here in a matter of minutes. It turned out that she lived only a few miles away. I was sitting on the couch when she
burst through the door with a giant bag of...I had no idea actually. She ran over to me and emptied the contents of the bag onto the couch. I looked at the items and actually let out
a chuckle. It was two tubs of ice cream, double stuff oreos, and a whole mess of comedy movies.

An hour later we were both eating massive ammounts of ice cream and chocolate while watching a movie. It was supposed to be funny...but I couldn't bring myself to laugh for more than a few seconds. My mind kept thinking about Gabriel....and I hoped that everthing was alright. Once the movie finished Hayley looked at me sadly.

"You didn't even laugh at it"...she said in a comforting voice.

"I tried...really, but I don't think comedy movied are going to cure me." I replied.

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands.

"What!?....what are you looking at!?" I almost yelled.

She smiled and jumped up from the couch. "I can't tell you!....You have to figure it out for yourself!" she yelled back happily. She practically skipped into the kitchen and left me there wondering what in the world she was talking about. I was mulling it over in my mind when I heard something coming from my room. My eyes widened...I know that sound anywhere. I was getting a letter....
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliffhanger (: I realized I do that a lot...but if I didn't...would you want to read the next chapter?

Sorry if my spelling is horrible...spell check isn't working and I promise to get it fixed once it is.

What do you think is going to be in the letter?....if she even gets a letter...

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