Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 23

Hayley and I stayed up all night talking to Gabriel through his letters. If Hayley didn't believe me before, she did now. We talked about everything he had gone through and how his broken arm was. He said that things were okay now and that I should not worry. If only he knew...that I could never stop. We talked all day and eventually Hayley had to go. I said my goodbyes and thanked her for being here. She said it was no problem at all and to call any time.

After she left my mind was trying to figure out how to tell Gabriel the new piece of information that I had realized. Do I tell him that...I love him? Or do I wait for him to tell me. I didn't know what to do...and by the time that I fell asleep, I still hadn't told him.

The next morning I groaned when I realized that I had work. I decided to let Gabriel know that I was working and that I didn't want to take the book out of the house. Just in case
I lost it. The letter I wrote said...

"Dear Gabriel,

I am going to work in a few minutes and even though you know that I would spend all day talking to you...I can't. I would take the book with me to work, but I'm afraid that I will
loose it. I hope everything is okay over there. I will be waiting for your next letter.

Yours forever, Alex."

I slipped the note into the book and made my way out the door. The elevator looked way to packed so I decided to take the stairs. Once outside I found my car and headed to the mall.

Once there I parked the car and made my way inside. I was right on time when I stepped into "Stream Music" and Hayley greeted me with a giant smile and a wave. She asked how Gabriel was doing and I told her about the letters we had sent while she was gone. She loved listening to me talk about our letters. She said that our romance "belonged in a book." I suddenly remembered to tell her that I knew what she was talking about when she stated...

"I can't tell you!....You have to figure it out for yourself!"

I turned to her began to talk "Hayley?"

"Yeah?" she replied.

"Remember when you looked at me funny the other day and told me that I had to figure it out for myself?"

She grinned and nodded her head "Yes!"

"Well...I think I figured it out." I said in a small voice.

She jumped with joy. "I knew it! So...tell me!"

I looked at her and pretended to zip my mouth and throw away the key.

She gasped and yelled "Awe! come one! Tell me!"

I laughed and finally gave in...."Okay Okay!...I..."

"You!?....What!?" she said excitedly

" him...okay!"

She squealed like an eleven year old girl and jumped up and down. "Haha! I knew it!" she chanted over and over again.

The rest of the day was spent happily with the occasional "Alex is in love!" curtisy of Hayley. We were about to close up when Hayley jabbed me in the side with her elbow.

"Ouch! What was that for!?" I almost yelled.

"Shh!...Hot guy at twelve-o-clock!" she squealed excitedly.

I rolled my eyes and turned around slowly to meet face to face with...No-Name. I stiffened and Hayley immediately noticed.

"You know him?" she whispered.

I took a deep breath "That's him!...that's No-Name!"

Her eyes widened and she then proceeded to smile. "You get all the cute ones Alex"

I scoffed at her and we burst into laughter. No-Name looked around the small store for a little while and I took the time to inspect him more closely. He was still as handsome as always...and I couldn't help but stare. My mind began to yell at me, saying "Bad Alex! You have a boyfriend!" I shook my head and tried to act nonchalant but once he came to the counter I freaked out and ran into the back room. I sat in the small stool that was placed in the back room and hit myself in the head over and over. He was just a guy!
I shouldn't be freaking out!

I walked out of the storage room a few minutes to find Hayley glaring at me and No-Name gone.

"Why did you run off!?" she yelled.

"I don't know!...I panicked!" I yelled back.

She sighed and said "I know why you call him No-Name....he wouldn't say a word to me."

So he doesn't just ignore me....he won't talk to anyone I thought to myself. I sighed and began to close the shop up...hopefully Gabriel will have written back when I get home.
I need too just forget about this day.....
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking so long to update! Homework is evil and it got in the way.

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