Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 24

When I arrived at the apartment I took the the stairs and avoided all public areas. I know that might have seemed silly but I did not want to run into No-Name again. I opened the door with my keys and ran into my room. I walked to my dresser and picked up the withered old book. It seems like the more I write to Gabriel...the older the book seems to get. I opened it up to find another letter and I smiled as I lifted the wax insignia to read....

"Dear Alex,

I understand about not wanting to loose the book, and it's perfectly fine that you don't take it to work. I don't know what I would do if I could no longer write with you.
My cabin mates often tease me about reading your letters over and over. But they can never know how much I truly care for you. I have been thinking of ways to finally be together,
but sadly I have come up with nothing. I stay awake at night, just thinking of how I can possibly get myself over to you. Maybe this book was only for talking purposes, I really
do not know. But what I do know is, I will never stop trying....I will try until I can no longer gather strength to try again. Your light shines brighter than any sun, and you are worth every single try.

Yours always and forever, Gabriel.

Gabriel never stopped trying....actually he tried harder and harder with every letter that passed by. I knew deep inside that we couldn't be with one another. It was impossible
and maybe the book was sent just to taunt us.

Weeks and weeks had passed...and I still hadn't told Gabriel that I was in love with him. I was to afraid....afraid that it would make everything worse. Gabriel and I had spent every single day, for two months speaking to each other. It had been two months and three weeks to this day that I received his very first letter. With every passing day, week, month, we found more in common and more reasons for me to love him. I tried to be happy and I was happy, extremely happy. But nothing could stop the nagging in my brain that was telling me I was getting too attached. I knew that if Gabriel failed to write even for one day I would worry.

And on the seventh month, second week, and third day, my worst fears came true....
♠ ♠ ♠
Another Cliffhanger! Sorry!....Sadly this book is going to be coming to an end soon....and I am trying really hard to drag it out as long as possible. But if I keep on it's going to get I hope you like this chapter.

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