Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 26

I forced a smile onto my face as I opened the front door to my tiny apartment. A man holding a large bouquet of red tulips held out a pad and asked me for my signature. I signed on the dotted line and took the flowers. After closing the door I read the small card that was
attached to them.

"We are so proud of you. You finished your very first year of college! We can't wait for you to visit. Love, Mom, Dad, and Chris."

I actually smiled for the first time in a very long while. I decided to try and keep the good
mood I was in and decided to headed outside with my flowers. I then picked up the old whithered book on my way out. I took the elevator and stared at my flowers, happy that my family remembered that tulips are my favorite. My mind was still whirling around Gabriel...I
still haven't talked to him. It's been five months. I was slowly giving up....I stopped my train of thought and decided to push Gabriel out of my mind. Once the elevator hit the ground floor I walked out and began to make my way to the door. I noticed No-Name walking out the door and something took over my feet. I marched up to Frank at the front desk and practically yelled....

"What is that guys name!!?"

He looked taken aback and replied with "The man who just walked out the door?....his name is Travis."

"Does he have issues where he doesn't like to talk to people!!?" I yelled quite loudly.

Frank looked at me with a sympathetic expression. "Alex....Travis can't talk."

My eye-brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean he can't talk?" I asked lowering my voice.

"I mean he's mute. He couldn't tell you his name even if he wanted too." he replied softly.

My eyes widened and I wanted to take back everything I had just yelled. "Ohh...I'm so sorry." I said in a whisper.

Frank gave me another sympathetic look and I waved him goodbye.

I walked out the revolving door and sat on the small bench on the side of the apartment complex. My eyes guided me to the street and I gasped when I saw No-Name....I mean Travis. He was crossing the road and turned his head to meet my eyes. I smiled at him and waved slightly. He smiled back and I saw him beginning to change his direction. He was walking over to me. I grasped the tulips and the book tightly in my hands as he got closer and closer.

Suddenly I saw it all happen in slow motion....the horn, the car, the crumpled body. It was all to much for my brain to handle.

I heard the horn beeping and turned my head to see a large van heading towards Travis. My eyes widened and I tried to shout...but I couldn't find my voice. He turned his head and I saw the fear that was running through his body. He didn't have time to move, all he had time for...was to give me one last longing glance.

The car hit him at full force, causing him to fly backwards and smash his head onto the pavement. I heard the crack and let out a cry of horror. The car quickly drove away and I felt the hot salty tears roll down my face. He...wasn't....moving.

I got up from the bench and the tulips fell to the ground....the loose petals falling and flying in the wind. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me towards Travis's crumpled figure. He was laying on his back, with large amounts of blood coming from the visible crack in his head. I sobbed and yelled as loud as I could for help. People ran outside to see the scene and a woman quickly called 911.

"Travis!....Travis please wake up!...please..." I repeated over and over again as I held his frail hand in my own. His eyes were closed and I couldn't feel him breathing.

The ambulance came soon after and I begged and pleaded for them to let me go with him. They agreed and I sat by him the whole ride to the hospital. The tears were coming harder than ever as I watched the paramedics run tests on him and stuck needles in his wrists. I never let go of his hand...the whole ride....I never let go.

Once at the hospital the men in the ambulance quickly transported him and he was in his own room. I wasn't allowed inside and the suspense was killing me. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran into the room to see many doctors huddling around him....trying to stop the blood coming from his head. Two men saw me and asked me to leave , but I wouldn't listen.
They had to use force and I tried with all my might to keep myself in the room as long as possible. They finally got me into the waiting area and told me to stay put or they would have to ask me to leave. I sat down and covered my face with my bloody arms....bloody arms...Travis blood.

The tears never stopped and I found myself rocking back and forth with anticipation. I suddenly felt a small hand on my arm and I jumped in surprise. I wiped my eyes and looked at the person beside me. It was a little old lady, with white hair, and a frail frame. I gasped as I recognized who she was...this little old lady...was Elizabeth.
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The book is almost done....I bet you didn't expect that...or did you?

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