Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 3

I walked out my death trap/apartment and made my way to the elevator. I hit the ground floor button and waited to be let off. Someone walked in the elevator on the second floor
and I recognized him as the man who helped my find my room. He had short black hair and piercing green eyes. I stared at him a little longer than I meant to and he shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. I finally got up the nerve to say something.

"Hi, I'm were the one who helped me find my room right?"

He only nodded in response and I knitted my eyebrows in frustration. Why wouldn't he talk to me!? The elevator got to the ground floor and he quickly got out before I had a chance to ask what his name was. I sighed and stepped out. The greasy old front desk man-who's name
I learned was Frank- waved to me as I walked out the front door. I returned the gesture and found my parked car.

I put the keys in and heard the engine come to life I smiled and began driving aimlessly and hoped to find some kind of market place around. After driving a few miles I came to a store named "Quick-Mart" and decided to see if it had anything worth-while. I parked the car in a close spot and walked inside. The store was fairly big and looked like it had everything I would need.

*After Shopping*

I walked out of the store with a cart that included cereal, pop-tarts, fruit, sandwich meat, bread, blue curtains for my window, and new shower curtains....hopefully ones that are sturdy. I placed the stuff in the trunk and got ready to do some exploring. I drove out of the Quick-Mart shopping center and out into town. I saw a few shops that looked familiar and smiled. After wandering around for a while I headed back to the apartment. I was passing a cluster of houses when I saw something that caught me eye. It was a little old lady sitting outside with a table. It looked like she was having a Garage Sale...but no-one was stopping to check it out. I suddenly had an urge to pull over and I quickly parked on the side of the rode. I got out of the car and walked up to the table. It had some old looking books, a dusty lamp, an antique desk, a quill pen, and an ornate letter opener amongst other nick-knacks. The old woman smiled, she had silver hair that was tied up in a loose bun and brown all-knowing eyes. She gestured to the things sitting on the table and I picked some of them up...seeing if I would like to get any of them. The old lady then began to speak.

"Hello child, I am any of my treasures interest you?"

"Hi, I'm Alex...and your treasures are very nice...but may I ask why you are selling them?" I replied.

She looked me in the eyes and said "Sometimes other people need something to show them the way...more than you need to keep them."

I looked at her confused and thought she might have been sitting in the sun too long. Just then the wind picked up and ruffled the pages of the books beside me. One of them
began to slide of the desk quickly and I caught it before it had a chance to fly away. I looked at the cover and read "The Falling"...It looked interesting enough and I decided
to buy it. The old lady...I mean Elizabeth...took the book from my hands and whispered almost inaudibly
"And so it has begun."

"I'm sorry..what did you say?" I asked even more confused than before.

She just returned the book and replied

"That will be five dollars."

I shook my head and took five dollars out of my bag, she took it and placed it in a tiny pouch. I took the book and said "Thank you" as I walked back to my car. The old lady
smiled once again and I quickly got into the car and drove away with my new...or my old book.
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