Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 5

I woke up that morning crashed on the couch with empty boxes of Chinese food scattered on the table. I groaned and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and made sure
that it wasn't going to freeze me or attack me. After my shower I got dressed into a pair of ripped jeans and a purple tank-top. I cleaned up the mess I made in the living room
and decided to start reading that book. I sat down at the kitchen table, pored myself some Lucky Charms (What?...I like the marshmallows) and began reading the second page.
It stated "This is dedicated to the people that need something to show them the way."
How strange I thought to myself as I suddenly got the feeling of De Ja Vu. I shook it off and turned to the next page. It read....

"It was a cold morning and I heard the resounding gun shots from miles away. Mother had come rushing through the door, holding my two younger brothers. They were twins, complete mirrors of each other. She gave me a look that told me to follow her and I obeyed. Father had been recruited for the war, and even though he did all he could to try and stay with us it was to no avail. We all hurried down the steps and across the large and spacious house. Mother opened the cellar door and told us to hide down there until....."

My phone suddenly rang and I lost focus from the book. I got up from the table putting my bowl in the sink and answered the phone. But when I one was on the other line.
I hung it up, shaking off the feeling that something wasn't right. As I was walking back to the kitchen I saw the strange letter that had fallen onto the floor yesterday. It was around
one in the afternoon and I had nothing else to do, so I decided to drop the letter off at the old lady's house. I grabbed the letter and the book and placed it in my bag. I made
my way down the hallway and into the elevator. As I exited the elevator I saw a glimpse of the strange man with the piercing green eyes. I wish I had a name for him....I had to admit
he was on the good-looking side. I guess I'll call him No-Name for now. I walked outside the apartment building and found my car. I hoped I would be able to find the lady's house
again. I drove a few miles until I saw the cluster of houses that looked familiar. I was sure that the light yellow house had been the old lady's. But today she wasn't outside selling her
"treasures" so I decided to knock on the door. I timidly knocked three times and a woman in her mid-thirties answered the door.

"Hi..I bought a book from a woman named Elizabeth yesterday...and there was a letter inside that I wanted to return to her"

The woman looked at me with knitted eye-brows.

"I'm sorry, but no one named Elizabeth lives must have the wrong house"

I looked at her confused.

"Ohh I'm's just that this house looked just like the one with the garage sale."

"Really?...I haven't seen any garage sales this week at all." She replied

"Okay...well sorry to bother you" I said.

She closed the door and left me standing there with a million thoughts running through my mind. I was sure this was the house? could there have been no garage sales?...
what do I do with the letter? I going crazy?....

I stumbled back to my car and headed to the apartment. But I quickly checked my bag and surely enough the book and letter where still there. So I'm not going crazy I told myself....
or at least I hope I'm not. When I got to the apartment I went back up to my room...secretly hoping I would see No-Name somewhere. I opened the apartment door and sat down on the couch.

I took the book and the letter and laid them out on the table in front of me. I stared at the letter, debating on weather or not to open it. Finally curiosity got the better of me
and I shakily reached my hand out and gently picked up the fragile looking piece of paper...I don't know what I'm so nervous about it's just a letter I tried to convince myself.
I gently lifted the wax insignia from the letter. It surprisingly came of with ease and I unfolded the letter to read......
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Cliffhanger!...Sorry, but I had to do this to get the next chapter off to a good start. Three updates in one day...I can make it four if I get some comments.
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