Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 6

"Dear my beloved Alexandra, June, 14, 1861

The war has become to much to bear. I am hoping that you will understand what I am about to tell you. I cannot continue sending letters to you my love. My father is becoming
suspicious and I cannot afford to be caught. I wish the situation was different, but with you a Confederates daughter, and me a Unions son, there is no possible way we can be together.
I hope that when this war is over we can be together once again. You cannot understand how it pains me to be away from you for this long, and I will surely miss our frequent letters to each other. I love you my dear Alexandra, please never forget that.

Yours always and Forever, Gabriel."

After reading the letter I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I looked over the date of the letter for the third time. June, 14, 1861. This letter was written
one-hundred and forty-nine years ago. I must have read the letter over twenty times before I put it down. 1861 was the year that the Civil War started....and this was a letter
from one of the people who lived back then. But I became sad as I realized that...the girl Alexandra (who strangely had my name) never got the letter. She could have never seen
it because it was never opened. I felt bad for this poor couple and this man named Gabriel. I began to wonder what could have happened to them. Did they get to meet after the war?
or...Did they never see each other again? I suddenly had an impulse to write a letter back, I thought it was silly...but something was telling me to do it. I went to my newly set up desk,
grabbed a piece of paper, a pen, and began to write.

"Dear Gabriel,

I read your letter and I'm sorry that it was never read by Alexandra. You seemed to love her dearly and it left me wondering weather or not you ever got to see each other again. The Civil War must have been a tough time to be living in but I wouldn't know. It's been exactly one-hundred and forty-nine years since the Civil War occurred. I'm very sure that the life style then and the life style now is immensely different. I feel silly writing a letter that is never going to be read, but I guess there is no harm in it.

Sincerely, Alex"

I laughed at myself for writing this silly letter but like I said before "I guess there is no harm in it." I suddenly yawned and I realized how late it had gotten. I took the letter, put it in an envelope and used it as a bookmark for the page that I was on. I took the book with me and laid it on my dresser. I put on some pajamas and fell into a deep sleep.
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So the letter has finally been opened lol. Tell me watcha think of the chapter.
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