Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning without the sun in my eyes. Thanks to the wonderful new curtains that were doing their job very well. I stretched and got out of bed deciding that I would paint some of the house today. I had nothing better to do anyways. I got ready and headed out the door to go get some needed supplies. I walked out the door and guess who I run right into...yup No-Name.

We both stepped back and I apologized. He smiled sadly, tipped his hat, and walked away. I looked after him with wide eyes. He still won't walk to me! What is with this guy!? I knitted my eye-brows and walked down to the elevator. After going through the lobby I got to my car and tried to cool off a bit. I shouldn't even be so angry...I don't even know the guys name!...hence the reason I call him No-Name. I'm talking to myself...I really am going crazy. I shook my head and turned the radio on hoping to clear my head. I drove around town and finally found somewhere that would sell some decent paint. As soon as I walked in a nice blue color caught my eye and I automatically picked that color for my room. I decided for a nice cream color for the living room and kitchen.

After I paid for the paint I put everything in the car and headed back home. As I passed the cluster of familiar houses I hoped to see that little old lady outside selling her "treasures" but I didn't see anyone. I sighed in disappointment and headed back home. When I got to the apartment I got dressed into something that would be appropriate for painting and began moving the furniture in my room. I decided to do that first.

I began to move the dresser forward when the book that I placed on it fell to the floor.I hit myself on the forehead and thought that if I kept dropping this poor book it was going to disintegrate into ashes. I picked it up carefully and opened up to the page that my letter was on...but it wasn't there anymore. I looked under the dresser and and all around the room but I couldn't find it anywhere. I slowly flipped through each page until I found something.

It was another letter..but this one wasn't mine. It looked like the one I had opened before. I quickly opened the drawer where I put the letter and found it still laying there. I
compared the insignia and found that it was the same. I gasped aloud and shakily grabbed the new letter. This can't be happening...I thought to myself as I carefully lifted up
the wax insignia of the letter. This one read....
♠ ♠ ♠
Another letter...sorry to lave it on another cliffhanger lol...but I have updated five times today! That's a new comments please? (: