Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 8

"Dear Alex,

Your letter is utterly absurd. I can see that you have gotten one to many head wounds and are delirious. I would appreciate it if you would not intercept my letters and if you do this again
I will personally make sure to take care of you myself. The date is June, 15, 1861 and it will stay 1861 until the new year arrives. And please for your sake, have your head looked at, you do not
seem very healthy.

Gabriel Farris

The room was spinning around me as I realized that...he had actually written back to me. From the year 1861! How is this possible!?....I suddenly grabbed the dresser for support as my legs became unable to support me. I slumped down to the floor and read the letter over and over trying to get my facts straight. Okay, so Gabriel's last name is Farris. He thinks I'm an insane man that has intercepted his letter. And...he is currently living in the year...1861. The strangest thing has to be...that he got the Month and the Day right. It's June, 15, 2010. I suddenly found the strength to get of the floor and I rushed to my desk, knocking over some things on the way. I grabbed a piece of paper, pen, and started to wright....


"Dear Gabriel,

I am not delirious nor am I a man. I am an eighteen year old girl named Alexandra from the year 2010. I promise that I am in perfect health and do not have any head wounds as you previously wrote.
I can understand why you have trouble believing me...for I have the same trouble. But even if I choose to believe it or not, it is happening. I hope you will write back, and please...try to have
and open mind about this. It has to be the most exiting thing to ever happen to me.

Sincerely, Alexandra Ridgeway

After writing the letter I quickly grabbed it, put it in an envelope and placed it in the book. At this point I had completely forgotten about the paint and the room looked like a mess. I really didn't care though. I just sat there staring at the book...hoping that maybe the miracle that happened the first time would repeat itself. After waiting for hours and checking the book multiple times I became weary. I didn't think that I was ever going to get another letter. I got up of the floor and began to arrange the un-opened paint cans against the wall. I then took a long shower and got ready to go to bed. I was about to lay down when I glanced at the book one more time.

I decided that it wouldn't hurt to maybe check again. So I got up off the bed and made my way to the dresser. I gently picked up the book and opened it to the page that I had placed the letter, to find was still there. I sighed and placed it back on the table. How silly was I to think that another one would be their. I sadly got into the bed and fell into a restless sleep.
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Hope you guys like the chapter! Thanks for all the great comments! Tell me what you think about the letter that Gabriel sent back.
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Ohh yeah....I need your guy's help!..I wanted a theme song for this you have any suggestions? I would appreciate them.
Who ever comes up with the best theme song shall be given a part in my book. I just need your name and some of the things you like. :D