Sequel: A Thousand Red Tulips
Status: Completed. (:

The Last Letter

Chapter 9

I got no sleep that night. I laid awake thinking and when I did drift off into sleep, it was filled with dreams of a battlefield. Horrible images of towns being taken over by war generals and young boys being recruited with their fathers. I awoke with a cold sweat every time. When I felt it was a suitable time to get up, I got out of bed and got ready to go out. I needed a day of fun, to clear my head...and try to forget about that stupid letter. I got dressed into a green shirt and denim shorts. Once I got dressed I went into the kitchen and got some cereal.

Something was nagging at me...telling me to go look at the book just one more time. But I had to ignore it. I couldn't open the book again and find that my letter was still there. So I tried to forget all about it and I headed out the apartment and down into the lobby. I decided to sit there a while and maybe talk to Frank for a while. He was sitting at the front desk like he usually does and was drinking coffee.

"Good Morning Frank, How are you doing?"

"Good Morning Alex. I'm doing fine...did your shower attack you this morning?"

I laughed. "No Frank...not today. But thanks for getting the water heating fixed."

"No problem, It's part of my job" He replied.

I said my goodbye's to him and decided to do a little more exploring. I got in my car and headed downtown. I knew that I needed to get a job, and soon. So I headed to the Mall, hoping that they would have a job opening. I parked my car in the parking lot and made my way inside. I walked the whole first floor of the Mall and I was turned down twice. I decided to try my luck on the second floor. I walked into a small music store named "Stream Music" and made my way to the cash register.

"Good Afternoon, My name is Alex and I was wondering if you had any job openings?"

The woman at the desk looked around my age and had short blond hair and brown eyes.. She told me to wait while she called the manager. I waited patiently until a man in his late mid-twenties came out of a storage room. He told me that they did have a position open and if I filled out the job application that they would call me and tell me if I got the job. I thanked the man and began to fill out my application. After turning it in I began talking to the girl at the front desk. She told me that her name was Hayley and that she was a student at the college. I was happy that once I got to school I would at least know one person. She was studying Music Theory in her second year. I explained that I was getting ready to go into the field of Journalism.

She told me that she would put in a good word with the boss and I left a few minutes later. As I made my way back home, content with the things I had done today, my mind dangerously drifted to the book. I stopped myself before I could go any further and put on some music. I made it to the apartment successfully and went up the elevator and into my room. I looked at the un-opened paint cans and decided to get that project finished tomorrow. It was around 6:30 PM and I decided to order some dinner. Instead of Chinese I went with pizza, and ordered a small supreme. I turned on the T.V. and became extremely bored. Maybe living on my own isn't all it's cracked up to be. The pizza came a little while later and I finished it while watching a Grease marathon. I threw away the empty pizza box and turned the shower on. After the shower I got dressed for bed and was fighting myself on whether or not to open the book.

I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes attempting to fall asleep. It was no use..and even though my brain was screaming at me to lay back down my feet wouldn't listen. I practically ran to the dresser and quickly opened up the book. I gasped as a small letter fell to the ground. But this letter wasn't mine. I slowly picked it up of the ground examining the insignia on the wax. I took a closer look and realized what the design was. It was a small eagle holding a scroll in it's claws. I slowly lifted the wax and began to read the newest letter....
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I still need some help with the theme song for this story. I didn't get any all.
But the prize is still ever comes up with the best theme song shall be given a part in my book. I just need your name and some of the things you like.
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