Status: Ongoing

Nothing Left

The words that you whispered for just us to know

Adrienne woke up the next day feeling as if she never wanted to wake up again. Her apartment had just been robbed, but still hadn't sunken in yet. She didn't want to believe it. It was too hard to believe.

How much worse could her life get before some higher divine felt sorry for her and gave her something happy to look forward to. If it wasn't for Kris' help and support, Adrienne probably would have lost it already. It had been too long since she was able to smile and she was barely holding it together.

Looking at the watch beside the bed she was currently occupying, Adrienne realized she had woken up before Kris, so she decided to get up and make breakfast for him. She put on a white tank top that showed her growing stomach, and grey sweats.

She hummed a tune that her mother sang to her many times as she made breakfast. Humming the tune, she realized that she should call her mother at some point and update her on what's been going on in her life.

Kris stumbled into the kitchen half asleep. "Ce qui continue?" he asked confused as he rubbed his eyes.

Turning around, Adrienne's mouth dropped when she saw that Kris was shirtless and his shorts riding dangerously slow. She could feel the heat flowing to her cheeks, as she turned around so she wouldn't look at his body. "J'ai fait le petit déjeuner."

"Oh," he responded slowly and scratched the back of his head.

"C-Could you put on a shirt?" she asked uncomfortably. She wasn't going to lie, Adrienne found Kris attractive, even when she was with Luc, but nothing came of it because she had Luc.

Looking at his body, Kris blushed when he saw that he was just wearing shorts. He was so used to have the apartment to himself that he forgot that Adrienne was there. He blushed and mumbled that he was going back into his room.

Adrienne blew on her bangs and sighed tiredly. What did she just get herself into?


"Yeah, so I'm staying at Kris' apartment," Adrienne informed her mom.

"Baby, maybe I should come and visit you. I worry about you sometimes."

"Mom, I'm fine. Kris is taking care of me and Kelly has been giving me advice about the pregnancy," Adrienne reassured her mother.

Kelly, her brother's wife, ever since finding out that Adrienne was pregnant has been calling her everyday to make sure that she was taking care of herself. Despite living in Philadelphia now with Tom, her brother, and their three kids, she has visited her a lot. Kelly loved Adrienne like a little sister and often worried about her, especially since Luc's death.

"Kris, huh?" her mother, Lydia, asked in a smug tone.

Adrienne and Lydia were close. In fact, Adrienne called her mother everyday just to check on her and to make sure she was doing fine. Lydia was heartbroken when Adrienne decided to move to Pittsburgh to take care of her ailing aunt because her father couldn't, his work wouldn't allow it, and Tom had a family to take care of.

She remembered Adrienne calling her everyday crying that she missed home, her mother and Luc the first three months, and eventually started feel more comfortable in living in such a big city like Pittsburgh. Lydia felt bad for her daughter, but she knew that Adrienne was strong enough. She was strong enough then, and she was strong enough now.

Rolling her eyes, Adrienne sighed. "Yes mom, Kris. He took care of me when everything was going down hill. I suppose he's doing it for Luc."

Lydia laughed. "Honey, I don't think Kris' just doing it for Luc. I'm pretty sure it goes beyond that."

Sighing, Adrienne just continued to clean the apartment that she and Kris now share. "Mom, seriously don't go there. With everything that just happened, I don't want to move into another relationship."

"Honey, I know that its hard without Luc, but I think, no I know, he would want you to be happy, not to be miserable and always mourning him," Lydia tried to reason.

There was a silence between the mother and daughter until Adrienne heard the front door open. "I have to go mom, Kris is home and has to take me to my apartment to get the rest of my things."

Kris had managed to convince Adrienne to move into his apartment. It didn't take much convincing since Adrienne was still shaken up about the robbery. She was afraid about being alone and she feared the safety of her baby. Kris was scared of leaving Adrienne alone as well, even though a second robbery was less likely to happen.

"Hey," Adrienne greeted Kris as he set down his bags. "I made lunch," she informed him.

He nodded and smiled at her. "How was your day? You don't have to clean you know," he said seeing the vacuum behind her.

She shrugged. "I know, but I'm going to be living here, so I might as well do something productive and chip in you know?"

Kris just nodded and set his bag down in the hallway. He walked into the living room and saw the complete change in his living room. Before Adrienne came it used to be a mess, magazines all over the floor and table, dust all over the place and the dishes in the sink. The place looks so much cleaner, like the firs time he moved in where nothing was dirty.

"Are you ready to go?" Kris asked, taking out his keys from his pocket.

Adrienne nodded and took her jacket from the coat hanger and followed Kris out of the apartment. Adrienne was slightly never to go back to her apartment. She didn't want to believe that she had just been robbed her and her apartment trashed. She didn't want to find out if the things that Luc had given her were stolen.

Sometime later, they arrived at the apartment. Adrienne stopped in front of her door. She sighed, not really wanting to see the condition of her home that she had live in for the past three years.

Kris looked at Adrienne worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Adrienne turned her attention to Kris and shook her head. "No," she started in a sad tone. "I don't want to know what my apartment looks like. I don't want to know what was taken," she continued honestly.

Holding out his hand, Kris gave Adrienne an encouraging smile. "Here, we can go in together. I'm here if you need me."

Nodding, Adrienne had a small smile on her face as she took Kris' hand. At that moment, Adrienne had more respect and admiration for Kris. She knew that he was a good friend and that Luc meant a lot to him. He could have just as easily decided not to be a part of Adrienne's life because the connection they shared was now six feet under. But he didn't. he decided to stick with Adrienne and help her through the mess she called her life.

He put up with her constant crying and constant messes. He was willing to put up with her soon constant mood swings. Hell, he even wanted to help raise another man's son, not just be a par to of t he baby's life, but help raise it. Kris Letang was something else.
♠ ♠ ♠
What did you think?
So I finally got around to updating Nothing Left. I'm so sorry that it took this look, I have no excuse except I got a little preoccupied with my other stories. Now that I'm back on track, expect more updates with this one. This is also going to be my last updates until all of my exams are done on December 13. I said that I wouldn't update until exams are done, but I realized that this chapter was almost done so I finished it.
Read my Kris Letang one-shot?
Thank you to everyone that commented and was patient. You guys are awesome.