Status: active

The Tease

Sometimes In My Tears I Drown

Sophie snuggled into her covers and gigantic Nemo pillow, not wanting to get up. She felt the bus come to a stop and heard noise from outside the bus, but instead she lifted her pillow to cover her ears.

“Soph!” Josh yelled as he threw another pillow at her head. “Get up, first day of Warped!” he yelled excitedly.

“mmmdjfkbgskj” mumbled Sophie.

“Whatever loserpants. Andrew, Ryan, lets head out!”

Sophie heard the 3 boys leave the bus and once again the bus was quiet and she dozed off.

An hour later, it was 1 oclock when Sophie finally got up. Time to party bitches!

Sophie’s Point of View

1 oclock in the afternoon. Earlier than usual, but it would do. First day of warped ,I thought to myself while dancing around a bit. We had just had a month break from the AP tour and I was more than ready to get back into it. The warped tour lineup was insane; the same bands from AP tour and more, and they were all my friends. The Maine, A Rocket to the Moon, Devil Wears Prada, 30H!3, A Day to Remember , Hey Monday, Paramore, All Time Low, The Summer Set, and many more bands were playing the whole summer. Bottom line: shits about to go down.

I’m the lead singer of a band called One Last Whisper. Touring 9 months out of 11, we’re all living our dream. We’ve gotten really popular from touring and we’re pretty well known now.

I threw on some regular skinny jeans, a black v-neck, and my neon green vans. I shook my hair out of my loose bun and watched as my soft brunette curls fell behind my back. Perfect.

I opened the door to the tour bus with only one thought in my mind:

Time to Party.

Sophie’s Point Of View

I stepped out of the tour bus and pulled out my phone. As it turned it on, I noticed I had 3 unread texts:

1] From: its-Josh-bitchesss

Yo, soph. Every1 is waiting for you. Wake up you poo! :)

2] From: Eric HALVOOOOO

Our tent. Now. Okaythanksbye. :D

3] From: John (OHH baby!)

Fee, I mishu like mushu pork. Wake up or I’m kidnapping you:]

I quickly typed back to everyone that I was awake and would see everyone soon.

“OH MY GOD ITS SOPHIEEEE!” I heard a pack of girls scream and whipped my head up to see a bunch of girls running towards me. I put my phone away and braced for the commotion.

30 minutes later, I was still taking photos with fans and signing autographs, and it seemed as if more people just kept coming. Suddenly I heard more screams and I mentally sighed, but something was off with the screams. They seemed fake and too high-pitched. I turned around and saw Eric Halvorsen from a Rocket to the Moon and Kennedy Brock and Garret Nickelsen from The Maine. I laughed and ran towards them and hugged them all.

“Sorry guys but we are going to have to steal Sophie” Eric said and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“Eric, put me dowwnnn!” I whined trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but he kept holding strong.

Kennedy got behind Eric and started talking to me as if nothing was going wrong.

“Soph, I am so amped for Warped. One whole summer, this is going to be crazy awesome!” he said excitedly.

“I know Kennyy! We are going to have to fuckk shit up!” I laughed and awkwardly high-fived him, considering I was upside down.

Finally Eric put me down and I jumped on Garrett’s back.

“You know Fee, its going to be tough to fuck shit up considering you’re not single and pretty much everyone else on tour is single. Unless…you’re not taken anymore…” Garrett said to me.

“I’m still taken” I laughed and nuzzled my face between Garrett’s neck, trying to hide my blush as the guys whooped and hollered.

“How long has it been anyways?” Eric asked wiggling his eyebrows.

“Almost 6 months” I giggled.

“Oh snaaapppp!” Kennedy yelled, dancing around a bit.

“I missed you guys so much” I laughed.

“I know you missed me the mostest!” Eric hollered.

I glared at him, still mad about grabbing me against my will. However, I attempted to stay mad at him but he pulled me into a hug and buried his face in the crook of my neck. Kennedy and Garrett snickered and whipped out their phones taking photos. At this point, Eric still had his arms wrapped tightly around me and his face was still in my neck. It had been more than 3 minutes and a crowd had gathered, taking photos and thinking we were a couple.

“Halvo, let go” I whispered into his ear.

“You still mad?” he whispered back

“Nopeee” I said.

“Okay” he laughed and let go.

“Finallyyyyyy!” I muttered

We walked around tour and said hi to everyone I hadn’t seen. 2 hours later, I saw my frantic band mates wave at me.

“Soph! We’re on, lets go!” I heard Josh yell. I left my friends and sprinted to the Hurley Stage apologizing the entire time to the guys.

As I got on the stage, I looked out and saw a massive crowd. Shit, I thought to myself. Everyone was already jumping up and down, excited for our set. As the guys hooked up their instruments and did sound check, I discreetly checked out the crowd. In the VIP section, there was all of The Maine, Joel from This Century, Eric and Nick from A Rocket to the Moon all of the guys and Jess from The Summer Set, and Christopher Drew from NeverShoutNever. Immediately my palms started sweating; literally all of my friends were watching as well as an insane amount of fans.

“Soph, we’re ready when you are” Ryan said, breaking me from my thoughts. I took a chug of water and closed my eyes for 2 seconds.

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