Status: active

The Tease

Were All Kings And Queens Of Our Own Thrones


The night, or I guess morning, was crazy. Everyone was dancing, drinking and having fun. Naturally, my “miraculous” recovery made everyone happy and the drinks were pouring. Truth was, I had been ready for a few days even before I had seen the pictures of Oli. I just didn’t have a push or reason to be happy again. The pictures of Oli made me realize what I was missing and pushed me to be myself again and suck it up.

In the bus, I could see half the guys constantly looking at me and I just laughed. Now that I was single, I was going to have fun and hopefully hearts wouldn’t be broken.

I felt my phone vibrate and I flipped it open to see I had a new text from Joel.


Every guy here is eye-fucking you AHHA =]

I giggled, he was in the front of the bus and I was in the back so I couldn’t see him at the moment. I quickly responded:

chudddup! we all know you are too ;]


damn, howd you know? :)ur just so fucking hot.

I smiled at his flirty text. ohh, so he wanted to play it like this hmmm? Well, its go time. Once again I felt my fingers race against the keyboard as I answered back.

I try(: how hot do you find me baby?

I laughed, the text was so ridiculous.


I can show you better than I can tell you ;)

At that point I saw him get up and reach for another beer. A flirty smile plastered on my face, our eyes connected and he winked at me with a smile. I responded to his last text:

I might have to keep you to that promiseeee :D

I felt my phone go off a few seconds later and I checked it.


Meet me when the bus stops =]

My heart quickly fluttered. I knew for a fact that I didn’t have a crush on Joel but he was a cutie and I had been deprived of any action for 3 weeks. Besides, it was my turn to enjoy the summer. So fuck it, I’ll hook up with whoever I want. Of course, no sex. I mean im not that much of a whore. But seriously, whats the harm in a few kisses?

John walked towards me with a red cup in his hands.

“For you, Sophie-monster” he smiled and I gladly took the beer.

“Thank you Ocallaghan” I giggled and gave him a little side hug.

He sat down on the couch and pulled me down with him. I sat down next to him and leaned lightly against him. He rested his head on top of mine and for the next hour we caught up on everything.

“You’ve been killing it lately on stage” he remarked, nudging me softly.

“Haha, you too. OH and another stripper cover? I likkee it!” I laughed and he did too.

“So, for the rest of tour we are hanging out like every fucking day. And then when we go back to Arizona, we’ll hang out everyday too.” he said, more as a statement than an offer.

“Ew.” I joked and stuck my tongue out at him.

“You know you find me sexy” he winked and I laughed out loud.

“Well, you’ll never know!” I giggled and got up as I felt the bus stop. I rushed off before he could say anything, leaving him and his cocky ass. That boy was sexy as hell, and he knew it.

I got off the bus and saw Joel waiting for me, leaning against a tree. I walked towards him and was engulfed in a hug.

“I thought that bus was never going to fucking stop.” he whispered in my ear. I smiled to myself and looked him in the eyes.

“Were you serious about the text?” I asked, lifting my eyebrows.

“Of course, who wouldn’t want to hook up with you?” he looked at me shocked, as if I had considered for a moment that he would reject me.

“Okay haha then lets put those lips to a different use” I flirtly winked.

“How far are we going?” he whispered.

“Just making out. You little horndog” I looked at him sternly and narrowed my eyes at him.

“Hey, I’ve got to milk this for what its worth” he laughed and took my hand, leading me towards their bus.

“Oh and Joel” I added quietly

“Yea, Fee?” he asked as he stopped walking and looked me in the eyes.

“This doesn’t mean anything right? I mean its just a hook up? No strings attached and we’ll still be best friends after right?” I asked.

“Of course Fee, I wouldn’t risk our friendship for a relationship.” he laughed and continued walking.

“Oh and by the way, lets try and keep this a secret. We don’t need all of warped to know.” I added.

“Fuck, you won’t let me brag.” he laughed.

“You’ll live” I giggled back.

We went inside the bus and immiedatley Joel’s lips crashed on mine. Our tongues fought for dominance as he pushed me inside the bus. I tangled my fingers in his blonde hair and he pinned me against the wall as we made out. I’m not going to lie, he was a really good kisser. His future girlfriend was going to be a lucky one.

After a while, somehow Joel’s shirt came off. My fingers traced his abs and I smiled into the kiss. He was such a cutie. Suddenly I felt the light flicker and I raised my head to see the drape from the bus gently swaying. I sure hoped no snooty fan had seen anything because I didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. Joel and I were JUST FRIENDS.

“Did someone just-?” but I was cut off once again by Joel’s hungry lips.

“Don’t worry about it baby.” he murmured into my lips and once again we returned to our previous acts.

We lost track of time but eventually we heard a pounding on the door.


Pat, you little mood killer I thought to myself.

“Okay the story is: we were watching full house.” Joel frantically whispered to me.

“Okay” I responded quickly and jumped off the counter. I had been sitting on the counter with my legs wrapped around Joel’s waist.

Without looking at our reflections, Joel hastily put his shirt back on and we opened the van door.

But the snickers and hollers we got from our friends was not what we expected.