Status: active

The Tease

We'll Never Leave This Island Of Love


I groaned as I quickly walked over to Josh and Andrew. Everyone probably thought I was a major slut-burger. Aughhhhhhhhhh.

“Proud of you little bud” Andrew smiled as he put his arm around me.

“Everyone probably thinks I’m a slut” I mumbled into his shoulder.

“Nahh, its tour. Youre having fun, and besides everyone hooks up. Don’t worry about it” Josh said from next to me. He was texting away like there was no tomorrow.

Deciding I didn’t want to linger on the subject, I decided to drop the subject and whip out my phone. I had a lot of unread messages and I busied myself by answering them.

About 10 minutes later, we arrived to Panera. Everyone had forgotten about the little incident and I silently prayed that it wouldn’t be mentioned or brought up during lunch. We settled into a table near the very back of the restaurant and thankfully there were not many people so we could enjoy the lunch together as friends. I sat in between Garrett from The Maine and Nick from A Rocket to the Moon. In front of me was Eric Halvo from a rocket and John from the maine.

My guys were all the way across the table, already in a heated discussion with the others.

“Dude, I’m so hungry” Eric said loudly.

A chorus of agreements came his way and everyone spit up in their individual conversations.

“I bet Sophie’s hungry for Joel” John muttered briskly. Snickers broke out and I looked down to my hands, a blush creeping on my face.

“Im not” I said quietly, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Yea, okay, sure.” John said and scoffed at me.

Why was he being such a little dick?

“Are you going on The Summer Set’s bus for the party tonight Fee?” Nick asked me, breaking the awkward silence.

“Yea, probably” I shrugged and picked up my menu.

About an hour later we all had ordered and eaten. We were exiting the restaurant and I had lingered back because I had to pee.

Exiting the restaurant I heard John and Kennedy talking outside. I stopped and listened quietly.

“…you would think she’d wait a little longer. Its only been like 3 weeks dude.” John said nastily. With a pang, I realized he was talking about me. I wanted to walk away and not listen to the mean comments but instead braced myself for the rest of the conversation.

“So? She was a hermit crab for like ever. She’s just letting loose John” Kennedy protested sounding disappointed.

“No, she’s being a little slut.” he counter argued.

I felt my eyes water up at the insult. I had honestly thought that we were friends.

“Whatever John, youre being an ass” Kennedy said. I left from the back door and ran back to the buses. I was hurt about the things that John said. I was for one thing not a slut, at all. I ran inside our bus and thankfully no one was in. If John thought I was a slut, he could think all he wanted to.

I brushed my hair out to fully remove all the tangles and hopped into the shower. After drying off, I changed into my ultra ultra super skinny black ripped jeans. No seriously, it was impossible to buy skinner jeans. I pulled on a simple white v-neck and my black classic lace up vans. I then reapplied some makeup. Deciding I was decent, I got off the bus.

All the guys were close, casually talking. Those lazy asses, they were too lazy to do anything.

“Sophie, over here!” I heard Brian Dales yell. I walked over to him and we hugged.

“Whaddup?” I asked, scratching my head.

“I finished memorizing it. The songs done!” he whispered to me.

“NO WAY!” I whisper-yelled and attacked him in a bear hug. Brian and I had a secret project. We were writing a duet and it was finally ready.

“Yea come on lets go rehearse it fully!” he said and I followed him to his bus. On the way we passed John with some of his friends.

“Two boys in one day Sophie? Dang, you work fast.” he said loudly.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him, shocked. Did he just say that aloud? He smirked and I turned away, anger boiling up inside of me.

If he thought I was a tease, well he had seen nothing yet.

I was going to drive John Ohh over the edge, if it was the last thing I had to do.