Status: active

The Tease

Let's Start This Tomorrow Morning


Once in the bus, we ran straight to the guitars in the back, out of pure excitement. Brian started off the song, and I was swept in a sea of bliss. Music truly was my passions, and it intrigued me how you could have one simple instrument, and get so much out of it.

Brian’s voice broke me from my thoughts,:

I've been staying awake in the front seat for days
Let the wheel turn and take me away
Oh, the truth I must tell
Is I'm lonely as hell
Still looking for myself

I looked at his exicted face and quietly giggled. I quietly cleared my throat and began to sing:
It rains all day when you're not around
And I'm trying my best to come clean with the clouds
They follow me around
I'll dance 'till the rain comes down
~~~the song went on, and we finished both on a final chord. Our faces broke out into gigantic smiles.

“Soph, that song was so dank!” Brian laughed and pulled me into a hug.

“Dude, I know! I really think this one’s a keeper.” I smiled back.

“Tomorrow, we have to perform it. During our set, you’ll surprise everyone. It’s gonna be so perfect” he said loudly as he fist pumped the air.

“Sounds like a plan stan. Im so amped.” I said smiling, as I ran my fingers through my hair.

“Kay, so I’ll see you tomorrow. Wait, no. I’ll see you tonight. PARTY ON OUR BUS. hollaaa!”

“Alright, I’ll be there!” I giggled and got up to leave the bus.

“FASHO!” he yelled at me, doing a little dance where he was.

“Brian Dales, you’re not black.” I laughed and opened the door.

“DON’T TELL MY MOM AND DAD!” he yelled as I closed the door. I laughed to myself and walked around the campsite where we were lodging. We always camped out in the RV camps for the one day offs. It was stupid to get a hotel for one night, and we always had more of an adventure in the “wilderness”. Well, we liked to think it was the wilderness.

Walking around, I realized that I hadn’t spent one minute alone since coming out of my little hermit crab.

I took my ipod out of my pant pockets, which took me a while cause my pants were super tight. So sexy, but incredibly inconvenient. I climbed up a big hill of grass and clicked shuffle, waiting for the random song. To my extreme pleasure, The Friday Night Boys started blaring through my earphones. When I got to the top of the hill, I laid down on the grassy surface and gazed up the sky. It was sunny with clouds that painted the sky, but it was enjoyable heat. It wasn’t insufferable sun action like most days on Warped, but rather a clear day that didn’t hurt my eyes when I looked up. I let my mind fly through thought and thought, thinking about everything and everyone.

I didn’t understand why John was being such a douche.

I didn’t understand how I had been so stupid to be cheated on.

I didn’t understand how I could have been considered a slut.

I felt the familiar tug on my heart strings when I thought about these subjects and my throat caught, but I didn’t cry. I was hurt, I thought John and I were best friends. I mean, we had tattoos that went together. In his inner bottom lip, he had LIVE tattooed and in mine, I had LOVE written. It was our special piece that connected us as best friends. Lately though, I didn’t even recognize him.

By now I had gone through a couple of songs without really realizing it. King Of Leon’s ‘Use Somebody’ finished, and I smiled to myself remembering the cover my band and I did on the song back in Josh’s garage. Suddenly “I want to know what love is” by Foreigner came on and I immediately choked up.

It had been the song that had been playing when Oli had told me he loved me, and it had been our song that we played during every special moment. We both knew every word and we used to text each other our favorite parts when we missed each other the most.

I felt tears slide down my cheeks and loud sobs broke free from my lips. But for once, I didn’t stop them. Even when the song had finished, I continued sobbing until I felt like I couldn’t cry any longer. I felt relieved after, as if it was the final step to truly get over him.

I hadn’t realized it but it was now dark and the party was in an hour. I hurried back to my bus and thankfully I ran into no one. I didn’t want anyone to feel pity for me or to spread rumors that I was depressed. Climbing into the bus, I saw that no one was there and mentally did a little happy dance. A note had been left on the table and I quickly picked it up.

Left to get some alcohol for party tonight. Wear a dress, we have to be dressed nice cause were gonna try and crash some parties later tonight. HELL YES BITCHESSSS!

love you


I smiled at the note and quickly jumped in the shower.

It was going to be a fun night.