Status: active

The Tease

This Star is For You

“Oregoooooooooon, what up bitcchhheesss?” I laughed into the mic as I got the crowd hyped up. The fans immiedatley roared back with screams and cheers.

“Alright guys, this first song is called Running” and just like that we broke into our first song. With a new found confidence, I belted out every note to every song during the entire set. My bandmates were stealing glances at me, wondering where this confidence and kick-ass new voice had come from.

I didn’t know.

45 minutes later, all of us were sweating like crazy and the crowd was still going nuts.

“Damn guys, thank you so much. Best crowd ever!” I yelled into the mic as the crowd erupted into fresh cheers.

“You’re sexy!” a fan (obviously a male) yelled super loud.

“No sir, you’re a sexy beast and so is you’re wife. dammnnnnnn MILF up in here” I giggled into the mic as the crowd erupted into laughter. I could see Halvo in the back laughing his ass off; what a dork.

We were about to play our last song and finish our set when I saw Oli from my peripheral vision on the side of the stage. Of course he had special access…I thought to myself.

“Alright Oregon, this is our last song.” The crowd boo-ed in response to my statement.

“Yea, it sucks manatee nipples. So when I say this, I need you all to fucking know I’m serious. I need to see every single person grinding on someone and getting freaky out there. This song is called Hope To Die!” I said into the mic and we broke out into our last song.

The crowd went wild as I danced along and gave everything I had to the last song.

After we had finished our song, I yelled into the mic one last time as my band and I exited off stage.

“Thank youuuu OREGGOOOONNN! have a good night guys!”

“Fuck Soph, that was epic!” Andrew our drummer yelled and pulled me into a sweaty hug and I giggled as I congratulated him as well.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and pull me close.

“Great show baby” I head the British accent whisper in my ear.

I turned around to face my boyfriend and leaned in close so that our foreheads were touching and we were close enough to kiss, but not touch lips.

“Thanks for watching cutie” I responded and lightly pecked him on the lips.

“Fuck, I missed you” he whispered.

“Haha, yes that week was painful.” I replied quietly.

Suddenly Oli looked around and we noticed the several cameras taking footage of our cute little scene and we decided to go somewhere a little more private.