Status: active

The Tease

Got A Lot To Do Before I Die

Oli linked our hands together and we made our way around warped just talking and being cute. Oli had told me he loved me 2 months ago, and since then our relationship had been pure bliss. However, I always felt unsure when we were miles apart on tour. He always was surrounded by girls that were practically waving their vaginas in his face and he got drunk pretty often and…

I shook my head and got rid of the thoughts. Oli would never do that……right?

“Hey babe, we have to go on soon so I’m gonna go get ready but I’ll see you tonight okay?” he said.

“Yea, good luck suga suga!” I giggled and pecked him on the lips. However, he deepened the kiss and pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms protectively around my waist. Instinctively, my arms went around his neck. A few seconds later I felt his tongue and gently pulled away, blushing.

“Oli!” I giggled.

“Sorry, I got carried away!” he pecked me one more time on the lips and left. I made my way around warped until I found this century’s merch tent.

Joel was sitting down eating skittles and listening to his ipod.

I sat next to him and stole some of his skittles, sneakily.

“Feeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” he squealed and tackled me. I laughed and bear hugged him back, ruffling his hair.

We hung out and watched a few shows together and then I headed back to our tent to pack up our merch and help our merch guy Aaron.

Later, the guys and I were hanging around in the bus when John and Jared from The Maine burst in and started dancing.

“Lets goooo parttyyy!” John yelled, pouncing on me.

I laughed and pushed him off and followed them out to the party. Everyone was there and the drinks were pouring and everyone was having a good time. For the next hour I made my way around to everyone and said hello to everyone I hadn’t seen in a while. It was so good to see old faces and meet new people. Later we danced and got crazzzzzzzzyyyy, all enjoying each other.

If Warped was going to be like this everyday, then I want to be here forever.