Status: active

The Tease

I Can Use All The Help


I checked my phone for the hundredth time, and closed it shut when I saw no new messages. Something wasn’t right. I felt it in my gut. It was 5 in the morning and Sophie still wasn’t back. Oli had picked her up from our tent at 4. I mean it had been fucking 13 hours, what the hell were they doing?

Everyone had sent Sophie a text, but I was by far the most worried. All the guys from the band and a rocket to the moon were a close second though.

Suddenly, I heard a loud “FUCK!” from outside and rushed to go see what it was. Jared was there with Garrett looking pissed as hell.

“What?!” I asked quickly, hoping they had news about Sophie.

“Bring Me THE FUCKING Horizon’s bus left 3 fucking hours ago! Oli was on that fucking BUS. So where the FUCK is SOPHIE?” Garrett yelled. Whenever he was beyond mad he always dropped F bombs like no other.

“WHAT?!” I yelled, rage filling my body. Didn’t he care about Sophie? She was probably heartbroken that he left.

“Guys, calm down. Tomorrow, we have the day off. Its almost light enough anyways, we’ll go check the beach. Maybe she’s still there” Pat said calmly. He was always the most rational.

I heard talking and turned around to see Josh, Andrew, and Ryan (Sophie’s bandmates) walking towards us, all of them looking worried as hell.

“We just searched the entire grounds. Where did that douche leave her?” Andrew said, clearly upset.

“Okay, I am going to go put on a jacket and then go search for Fee. You guys can come if you want.” Josh said, going inside the bus. He was closest to Sophie and he was sick to his stomach not knowing where she was.

“Yea, lets go.” I agreed grabbing my hoodie .

All the guys from One Last Whisper, The Maine, A Rocket to the Moon and Joel from This Century were walking towards the beach 10 minutes later. The sun was just coming up, so we had enough light to see.

We walked down the beach for 30 minutes, growing more and more anxious. Suddenly, we heard Josh yell and sprint down the beach. There was a little black figure in the distance that none of us had seen. We all took off after him and I heard hollers and thankful cries as we saw the curls sprawled out on the sand. Sophie was curled up in the sand, and she wasn’t moving.

“Sophie, sophie!” Josh yelled shaking her, relieved to see her.

She slowly opened her eyes and they were all puffy and red. Her makeup was smeared and her hair was standing up in bizarre places. She had never looked worse and yet she still looked gorgeous.

She ran a hand through her hair and sat up slowly.

“Sorry, I fell asleep.” she whispered looking at Josh quietly.

“The FUCK, YOU FELL ASLEEP. Do you know how worried we all were? You just disappear and leave us with no news. Do you know how sick we all were? Why did you do such a stupid thing? Why-” Josh yelled at Sophie, but quickly stopped when he noticed she had covered her mouth with her hands and tears had begun to stream down her face.

“No Fee, no I didn’t mean to yell. I’m sorry Fee, I was just worried.” Josh stammered, eyes growing wide.

Sophie looked Josh straight in the eyes.

“He cheated on me” she said quietly as her voice cracked. She broke out into uncontrollable sobs, and Josh pulled her into him.

“I’m so sorry Fee.” he whispered back, stroking her hair.