Status: active

The Tease

Ladies Shouldn't Be Messed With

Sophie was destroyed. It was evident to everybody, but nobody brought it up. Sophie only left the bus to perform and eat, and plastered a fake smile to everyone when she did so. Her fans never suspected anything, she was a good actress and masked her feelings to perfection. I always expected her smile and laugh to falter or her eyes to gloss over when Oli was mentioned, but she played it off as if he had never broken her heart.

Every set they played was just as good as the 1st one, and she sang to every song like it was her last time singing. But as soon as her set was done, back inside the bus she would retreat, and she would not come out. She never cried, except late at night according to Josh. Even then, she would mask her sobs in her pillow.

She had completely shut herself out of the world and she would let nobody in. Everyone on tour was ready to kick Oli’s ass, for not only shattering her heart in millions of pieces but also because he had took our best friend away from us.

It had been 3 weeks since the split, and she was still masking everything from everybody. This Warped tour was special, we’d be touring the country for 6 months. Crazy, but fun as hell.

Everyone was at Wendy’s, except Sophie, and everyone was having a good time. Sophie was in the bus still, claiming she was not hungry. Of course, Josh had her covered and was bringing her back a burger and fries. He knew her too well.

“And then I was like, that is some HOT SAUCE!” Alex from All Time Low yelled and a group of fan girls broke into hysterical laughter. It was hilarious, he could of said he had a vagina and they still would’ve swooned over him. I had a group of teenage girls around me as well, taking photos with them and signing autographs but my mind was wandering.

Suddenly I heard a loud commotion and a bunch of yelling, and suddenly half the girls were gone from both Alex and I’s group.

“Sophie!” I heard yelled over and over from the fans both girls and guys.

I looked at the door disbelievingly and to my surprise there was Sophie. She looked stunning in skin tight black jeans, a tight red spaghetti strap tank top and white ankle socks.

I whipped my head around to look at my bandmates and they all had the same shocked expression. She was smiling and laughing with her fans taking photos and signing autographs.

Maybe this was a step towards having our real Sophie back. I sure fucking hoped so.