Status: active

The Tease

It Gets Too Real Too Quick


I wrote an email to my best friend Bridget telling her everything that had happened. I had shut her out as well, and I apologized over and over. She was like my sister, and we shared everything. I told her I was back and that I loved her. It was true.

I got up with a new found happiness, as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I had not cared about my appearance for the last couple of weeks, but now it seemed to matter. I pulled on a pair of extremely tight black jeans. Every time I wore them, guys couldn’t help but stare. They were like my comeback jeans. HELL YEAH SON.

I found a tight fitting red spaghetti strapped top. We were in florida and it was humid so why not.

I examined my shoes and nothing seemed to fit. I looked down at my ankle socks.

“Fuck it” I muttered and left the bus.

I prepared myself for the shocked stares that I was about to get, but it was worth it. I was ready to be back. I missed my friends and partying. Sulking takes a toll on a party animal, yaknow?

I opened the door to Dennys and was immiedatley flocked my fans. I looked up to see almost EVERYBODYS eyes on me. Wait scratch that, now EVERYONES eyes were on me. I ignored the looks of disbelief and turned to my fans. For the next couple of hours, they kept coming, like they were being cloned. I realized how much I really missed my fans and genuinely had a great time with them. By then it was easily 2 in the morning, and all though an all-nighter was being pulled, the kids had to go home. Most of the kids went home, but a few stayed. They were surrounded around Alex when he had broke out his guitar and was singing free acoustic songs to them.

Suddenly, I felt arms snake around my waist and I was greeted with the smell of my best friend. A mix of apples and Axe, Josh always smelled good.

I turned around and placed my arms around his neck. We always flirted, it was a game. But he was just a best friend, nothing more.

“You okay?” he whispered, looking me in the eyes.

“Yea, I’m good. I’m not going to be a pooper all tour long. I’m ready to party it up” I giggled.

“Good, I think I speak for everyone when I say we miss you like crazy. And thanks for scaring the shit out of us” he laughed hugging me tightly.

My band mates came over and engulfed me in a group hug.

“Guys, this is so lame” I muttered, being squished in the middle.

“Shut up Sophie-booger and enjoy it! We haven’t hugged you in a while so suck it up” Ryan laughed.

“I’m really sorry for shutting you guys out. I was just, so-” my voice cracked and I looked down at my socks, suddenly incoherent. I couldn’t find the right words.

“Soph, don’t worry about it. We’re just glad you’re back and now the party can really start” Andrew said. “And just know we will always be there for you no matter what.”

“I love you all, thank you so much.” Hugging each of them individually.

“Kay, all this is love is making me hungry. Lets go eat!” Josh said taking my hand leading us to a table.

Things were going to be okay.