

He made me safe you know, holding me when I sad, kissing me when I was lonely; only on the cheek though, talking to me when I was confused. Explaining softly, always with patience, his lips turning upwards in a corner smile as if it amused him when he explained things to me. I loved him and there was no doubt about that. He was perfect for me or so I thought. So here I am, locked myself inside the bathroom shower. My party dress on, my makeup probably ruined. My eyes dried from all of the tears. He stopped trying to open the door an hour ago. I felt like he’s on the other side of the door, probably regretting what he did tonight. But why should he...he shouldn't apologize to getting engaged. That was absurd, he shouldn’t apologize for falling in love. Ugh. I don’t know which was worst what he said or what he did.

I sat one seat away from him, smiling. He just came back from New York telling me about his trip. The people he met the places we went the things he saw. And it felt like I was falling in love with him all over again. The spark in his eyes when he explained everything about his trip was memorizing, he was never was the small town boy. He was always the dreamer, and he would even dream for other people when they were too frightened to.

“And every morning you would think it would be the same thing but it isn’t far from it actually. I mean there are the traffic and the crowds of people. But Natalie let me tell you, at any moment you can meet anyone and its magical everyday is certainly not the same..i have to take you someday” That whole time, I listened to every single word. His lips moved softly and voice was steady even though he was about to burst with excitement and passion. His eyes were wide and glued to mine. And as the voices around the room grew louder they also grew silent, as if it was only us in the room, in the world.

“Oh I would love to, you know I always I wanted to visit New York” I told him, he smiled content. It was always my dream to travel all over but instead I was stuck in this stupid little town. But that moment was perfect whirling around me like a bittersweet memory. [i/]

She was beautiful but he didn’t seem happy, he seemed glad. But that’s all. Once in while we were eating dinner he would smile at me then resume his foul happy sad expression. I was supposed to ask him what was wrong but I never got the chance and you know why. I couldn’t say he was my everything because he wasn’t, I couldn’t say he was the man of my dreams because my father always filled that slot ever since I was ten when he died, and I couldn’t say I would leave everything for him because I wouldn’t. But I could say that he made my heart melt, he made my throat itch, my foot tap, my words mix up, my hands sweat. And is always something. And I looked at the clock in the bathroom; I was in a hotel room. I even remembered every word I said to him.

[“i] You were my first love what was I suppose to do, you’re getting engaged and I thought….” I couldn’t finish.

“I love you too just not the same way…come on you will always be my girl” He said, as if he thought I was a little five year old. I breathed in, my hands ran through my brown bob. I looked at.

“You’ll always be my first love too, but you always need another love to compliment the first” He said in the same mono tone he did before. His hands were in his pockets. His hair combed to the side, I couldn’t even, look at him.As I ran down the hotel hallway, I saw someone.

“Brown Phillip brown” he said. His voice was dark, his eyes brows furrowed. He obviously saw me in tears and he seemed concerned. But neverless he was a stranger. A handsome one.

“Jane brown from high school” He said unenthused, I really didn’t recognize him. Jane brown was the outcast in our school he wore big glasses that were made to see but unintentionally blinded him because of their size. Kids would make fun of his “girly” name. He seemed nice enough I never really talked to him, I always hanged out with the rather well known crowd and never made room for myself to meet new people, that was why college was so hard. It was so different from high school, there wasn’t a popular club there it was just you parties, classes and friends if you had any.

“Oh-I didn’t recognize you…its nice to see you again” I told him, and it was nice. Everyone I knew from high school disappeared and never came back to this town and I did the opposite.

“Today must be hard” He said, his head was down. I could tell he never outgrew his shyness and his weakness to speak out.

“I- well it’s just fine” I tried to say.

“Oh come you were in love with him since the 6th grade” He said. I wiped my eyes. My eyes seemed to get clearer and I saw something I should’ve saw in high school.

“You’re the first person to tell me that” I said, his company made me forget, even though we were talking about it right now.

“Nobody else paid attention” He said, I smiled.

“You were beautiful you know…I mean you still’s just I’m so used to your long hair” He said. I laughed, loudly.

“I needed to do something different, I did the same thing every day to long” I told him. He nodded.

“Not even a “hey”…I mean everyday for four years you never even looked at me” He muttered. He didn’t seem bitter, but delighted. His brown eyes lightened into a golden shade it was as breathtaking as if the sun was rising.

“I’m sorry; I was in my little world in high school…like in a box. I thought I was the most popular girl in school.” I told him, he looked at like I just said the most important words in existence.

“You were; you were nice to everyone and you always looked beautiful-“ I cut him off.

“Please I was nice to everyone because I never talked to anyone. I joined every club I could, but apparently cheerleading was a full time career in high school,…and I don’t think looking beautiful was a part of being nice to everyone” I said to him, he smiled a charm filled smile. His teeth brace free. I smiled back even wider at his smile.

The silent footsteps ruined the moment. I ran to the hotel room across from where Phillip and I were talking. As I closed the door, I mouthed “I’m sorry”. He just shook his head. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I slipped out my shoes, my feet touch the cold white tile. I walked into the shower and let the shower run. The ice cold water clamed my body of all feelings and hurt.
I heard the door open, and I knew he was out there waiting for me to come out but it wasn’t hi, it was Phillip.

“I know it hurts, but it will get better” He said. I sat with him on the floor our backs to the hotel bed, only one lamp was on. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“How do you know” I asked, he didn’t explained it to me the way I wanted him to, but he did it in a better way. A much better way.

He smiled. It was like watching history repeat in his eyes just I was the victim this time. I just shut my mouth and enjoyed it, for a moment I didn’t need him like I said he wasn’t my everything he was my something and as I was something to Phillip and one day I know I will find my everything but for now I will wait. I’m stuck in this stupid little town until the roads clear up and his wedding is two weeks from now. Who knows maybe I just might settle for anything. I just smiled all my tears away.
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I didn't name the guy that shes talking about the guy that she is in love with becasue it serves a purpose.This is kinda of a tell all story where the character tells the story instead of going through it. But i think thats whats good about the story and topic.

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