Fate In Hand

Chapter One-Haf Pakehhechkc;New Beginnings

The terrain was shrouded in a thick mist, I would've fallen through the holes if they hadn't appeared as dark spots. My hope had completely fallen into despair as I lost sight of the trail, knowing all that's left for me to do is to wander aimlessly. Even my footsteps, so calming and close, had now become distant. Then, somehow I could hear a ringing noise. Quiet at first, then it grew into an eardrum busting screech till it was too much to bear. I fell to my knees and held my hands over my ears, hoping to at least muffle the sound a little. No help, it made the sound worse.

"Marie! For Christ's sakes wake up! You're gonna be late for your first day!"

I fell out of the bed, hitting the floor in a daze and with a thud. I guess it was just a dream, thank God. I groggily got to my knees, lightly whacking my sister Annette in the knee for giving me such a rude awakening. After seeing it was nearly six-thirty, I hurriedly got dressed and joined everyone for a quick breakfast.

"Marie, what's the rush? You've got a lot of time, dear."
"Mom, please don't start. Besides I have to get out early or I'll miss the bus."

I quickly grabbed my things and dashed outside just in time to catch a glimpse of the bus's lights, blurred in the rain, as it drove away.

" Dammit dammit DAMMIT! Why does this always happen to me?!"
"Need a ride?"

Without even noticing, a jet black Porsche drove beside me. The guy who had called my name held the passenger door open to help.

"Um..n-no thank you.."
"Don't worry miss, I won't hurt you."
"I've heard that before..I can walk."
"Through the rain? I don't think so, where are you headed?"
"South Sentri High if that even matters to you."
"Actually, yes it does. I'm going there myself so maybe a lift would be a good thing."

I slowly, and still a little hesitantly, slid into the car. I slammed the door, and just as quickly heard him lock the doors.

"So..what's your name?"
"What the hell does that matter to you?"
"Just getting to know my classmate, jeez. What's wrong with you?"
"Oh. In that case my name is Marie-Ellen Vough."
"Your first name sounds French..You by any chance any descendant of one?"
"Yes, I am. Like it matters though, you're nothing but a weird, strange little man."
"Excuse me but it looks like your the little one, your head doesn't even come up to my chin."
"OK you know what? Make fun of my size I don't care, just STOP the damn car! I'm getting out."
"Sorry, touchy much."

I took out my lime green iPod and plugged my ears with the earphones. Since his car radio was on, I turned the volume on max as I listened to one of my favorite punk bands. I was just halfway through the entire song list when I felt the car slowly come to a stop. I looked around and saw that we were finally there. Everyone looked so nice, so caring...Then again no one can ever judge a book by its cover. Everyone didn't seem to be in a rush, I guess we were just early.

"Here we are, Sentri High."
"Yeah, thanks. Well, see ya."

I opened the door, and just as I was about to step out I felt him tightly gripping my shoulder.

"Hold on, Marie. Before you go shouldn't you know my name as well?"
"I guess, sure. What is it?"
"My name's Antoine, it's French as well."
"Lovely name.." I could start to feel my cheeks start to turn red, so I quickly turned my head and faced the front doors as I got out of the car.
"See you later Marie."

Yeah right, I thought, the next thing I wanted to do was bump into him again. As I passively walked to my next class, the day was half over. That, I thanked God for. Luckily Antoine had a car so he could drive himself home, I was not going to miss the bus this time. Sadly I was wrong. My locker had jammed, the doors were crowded, and to make matters worse everyone there just didn't care one way or another what or who they hurt, everyone kept shouting that they'd left their windows down. I could see why they were panicking now, even though the rain had stopped it picked up again at full force. I kept my head down and my books held tightly to my chest as I forced my way shyly through the crowd to get to the door. Maybe walking home wouldn't be so bad. After all, I only lived...five miles from the school.

Just as I stepped out, I heard tires screeching across the soaked ground. Oh great, him again. As he held the door open for me, I slid in with an aggrevated sigh.

"Heh, I see you had a lovely day."
"That doesn't even cover it." I muttered.
"First, something happened that made me late for ALL of my classes, damn my locker. Next everyone seemed to just ignore me when they passed me and pushed me aside as if I was no one-" atleast that part was true-"Then...Agh I'm boring you. How was your day?"
"Same ole same ole. Anybody ever tell you that you whine a lot? Because you do."
"Haha, really funny. "
"I'm just kidding Marie." He flashed a smile and I could swear there was something in his mouth; either that..or his teeth were really bright. Either one it kinda freaked me out a lil.
"Um..Antoine, you wouldn't happen to have braces would you?"
"Nope, why?"

As I searched in my backpack for my iPod, I realized then what he had playing on his radio. I seemed tranced by the song, stopping dead in my stance as the words and the melody rang through my head like a clear memory, an echo almost. We were driving so fast I couldn't even tell that we were halfway to my house. Well, that was until he gave me a heart attack-inducing shake.

"Hello? Anyone home in there?" I could hear him chuckle, for the first time I heard it he sounded like a thousand angels singing.

I took one look into his deep, dark, liquid brown eyes and nearly fell into another trance. I would've, but the fact that I could feel the heat on my cheeks pulled me down and chained me into reality's grip.

"Antoine..Don't touch me. " I looked at him, hoping he hadn't noticed that I was seeing his face clearly for the first time. His skin, so white and so clean that he looked like a true god; his features, so masculine yet so gentle. I just couldn't believe a man like him existed.
"We're almost to your house so you might want to get things ready... Ok forget that I said that."
"Heh, nice one.." I laughed a little to humor him, but on the inside I was dying out laughing. Yes, I'm that type of girl.
"So..See you tomorrow." He pulled slowly into the driveway between Annette's cherry red Ford Mustand and Mom's magenta "soccer-mom" minivan. Moms.. crazy yet helpful.