Status: severe writer's block... will update as soon as I'm cured

All We Are


I sat in my brother Kurt's '98 black Ford pick-up, staring out the window. Unfamiliar landscapes flashed by the window as I looked out.

"Aww c'mon Willow, it's not forever. They're not bad people. You'll be fine there," Kurt said, looking over at me from behind the wheel. His long blonde hair was shaggy and unkepmt. Dark bags had formed around his blue eyes rimmed in red eyelids, and I knew that he was using again.

"They just died Kurt! Mom and Dad died two weeks ago, and you're already shipping me off to live with these people we've never even met!" My eyes were welling up with tears as I yelled at my brother.

One of his hands reached over and pulled me into a hug. I yanked myself away from him and squeezed myself up against the door.

"It was in their will, Willow. I can't do anything to help you. It's only for two more years until you're 18, then you can leave." Kurt didn't seem put off by my snub.

"But we don't know anything about these people. They could be axe murderers for all we know," I said, picking at a rip in my jeans.

"Mom and Dad obviously trusted them enough to send you to live with them... Everything will turn out alright." Kurt looked over at me quickly before turning back to the road.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I tried to repair my makeup that was smeared from my crying. Flipping down the mirror, I took in my green eyes, red from crying, and pale freckles splattered across my nose and cheeks, and my long, wavy light brown hair. I was a mess; I grabbed my makeup bag and began to fix my makeup. According to Kurt's GPS, we were almost there.

When we got there, 20 minutes later, I had finally deemed myself somewhat presentable. Kurt had stopped the car in front of a huge almost, mansion-like house. It was pristine white with a perfectly trimmed green lawn. The gravel driveway circled around a white stone fountain.

"Oh marvelous," I mumbled, unbuckling my seatbelt. My parents had sent me to live with a couple of rich, stuck up, self absorbed, axe murdering maniacs. Wonderful.
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I know it's short, but it's just the begging. Comment/subscribe? Thanks!