Status: severe writer's block... will update as soon as I'm cured

All We Are


Katie and I went out onto the deck, where Kurt and Jesse were talking across a mini-bar near the edge of the deck.

"Do you want something to drink?" Jesse asked me.

"May I have some ice water?" I asked quietly.

"Of course." He put some ice into a cup and opened a water bottle before pouring it into the cup.

I thanked him as he handed it to me. Just then, Jude came outside, unfortunately fully clothed and dry, but still just as gorgeous as before.

"Hey Willow," he said, smiling at me.

"Hi," I replied shyly, staring down at my cup.

"Do you want to go sit down by the pool?" he asked me.

"Um sure," I said with a small smile. I set my cup down next to Kurt and turned to follow Jude down to the pool.

We sat on the edge of the pool with out feet dangling in the water. I had to roll up the ends of my jeans so that they wouldn't get wet.

"I'm sorry about your parents," Jude said softly after a few awkward seconds.

I nodded softly, acknowledging his remark. Whenever someone brought up my parents, it was like a knife was being stabbed into my chest and then twisted around just to cause additional pain.

"If you don't mind if I ask, but my parents didn't tell me what exactly happened to your parents," Jude said.

"There was a car crash," I started softly. "They were coming home from a party. It was really late, and a drunk driver ran a red light. My parents...they died instantly, but the driver...that bastard's still alive." I didn't realize that I was crying until I was finished. Hastily, I wiped at my eyes, trying to get rid of the tears.

Jude pulled me into a hug. Instead of feeling awkward and uncomfortable, it was comforting to realize that someone cared. Kurt was always too high or drunk to notice anyone but himself. Jude's hug was the first time since my parents' death that I didn't feel completely alone and lost.

"I'm sorry," I said, still wiping my eyes. I pulled away from Jude. "I'm such a crybaby. I can't seem to stop crying lately."

"It's ok," he said softly, understandingly. "I'd probably cry alot too if my parents...y'know, died."

That made me chuckle. "I doubt it," I said with a snifle.

"Why?" he asked.

"You just don't seem like the crying type."

Jude adopted a fake, falseto voice, sounding like a girl. "Well one day, I was like straightening my hair, and I totally burned myself! I cried for like, a week because there was this totally ugly burn mark on my forehead!"

I laughed at that. "I totally hate when that happens!" I moaned playfully.

"You know Willow, you're pretty cool," Jude said after our laughter subsided. "I wasn't really sure what to expect when my parents told me that you were moving here, but I'm glad you did. We need a little more fun around here."

"Thanks," I said softly, watching the water. "But I can't say that I share the same sentiments. You and your parents do seem nice though; I just wish we could've met under happier circumstances."

Jude nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. So you're from Michigan? It must be a big change from there to California."

"Yeah, it's alot different. It's alot warmer here. It'll probably take a while to get used to."

"As long as you stay inside or in the pool, you'll be fine," Jude said.

I smiled over at him before returning my gaze to the pool. A little while later, Katie called us back up to the deck. It was time for Kurt to leave.

"See ya later Will," Kurt said to me once Jude and I returned.

I didn't want hiim to go, but I knew I was probably better off here than my drug addict brother. "Bye Kurt."

"Thank you for getting Willow here safely. Take care on your way home," Jesse said while shaking Kurt's hand. Kurt nodded and then waved to me.

He walked around the side of the house and was gone, leaving me alone with the Sullivans.
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for the comments!