Everyone Has Issues! Right?

Curl up and Die


“Can you believe that?” I said grabbing Jake’s arm and pulling him out of the room. “I can’t believe he is making me go home and write!” I complained.

“Well Kat the class is a writing class.” He stated looking straight ahead as he walked next to me towards our locker. I stopped mid step and stood in the middle of the hallway, Jake got about two steps then noticed my pause and turned around to look at me. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked.

“Are you Jake Rivers siding with that, that, teacher, over me?” I asked annoyed. Ill admit maybe this was a bit of an over reaction, but even when I was complaining about the stupidest things Jake had never, and I repeat NEVER tried to rationalize for the other party, he always just agreed with me.

“Oh come on Kat I think he’s trying to help you out okay? I mean he seems like a nice guy.” He said in defense.

“That’s not the point at all Jake!” I yelled at him.

“Then what is the point Kat?” he asked calmly, in all the times I’ve ever yelled at Jake, which I swear isn’t many; he never, ever lost his calm.

“I don’t know your just acting……… So…… so different lately, and there’s secrets between you and me right now, I can feel it!” He took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair.

“Look I’m sorry, your right I have not been as honest as I usually am towards you but you got to see Kat we aren’t little kids anymore, we can’t share every little nook and cranny of our life’s with each other all the time.” My heart sank. I knew it would happen eventually, our friendship hadn’t matured past the 5th grade and it was bound to change someday from its innocent beginnings to something more grown up, so yes though I knew it would happen I had hoped it wouldn’t. He’d seen the hurt go across my face, I know he did, he always does, so I was ready when he stepped forward and embraced me. He pressed the side of his face into my hair and took another deep breath, he felt my pain.

“It’s all part of growing up Kat.” He said rubbing my back lightly.

“I don’t want to grow up then.” I stated. “I never want to grow up..!” he let out a sad laugh, and I felt him shake his head lightly.

“Well how about this you be Wendy and ill be Peter pan, and we can just fly away to never, never land.” It made me smile and I picked up my head to look at him.

“No, I think id rather be tinker bell.” I said laughing. He raised a questioning eyebrow.

“And why would that be?”

“Cause she could fly all the time, where as everyone else had to rely on her pixie dust to fly.”

“Very good point” he said rubbing his chin as if thinking it over. “but tinker bell was also jealous cause she felt that Wendy was stealing Peter Pan away” he playfully winked at me as he had done many times before playing around, but this time for some reason I found myself blushing and turning my face away from him.

“Well why don’t we get our stuff and you can come over to my house for dinner tonight, I think my mom is going through Jake withdraws.” That made him laugh, which in return made me laugh too.

“I was just at your house like 2 days ago”

“ well you know my mom, a couple hours with out you and she starts to go crazy, so just imagine a whole 2 days with out you, she’s probably laying in the fetal position right now crying.” I said waving my arms over my head to over exaggerate the severity of the issue.

“Well if it’s a matter of sanity I guess I could squeeze dinner into my schedule.” And we continued towards our locker.
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Sidnee: you know i think this was one of my favorit chapters to write so far.
Kevin: id say everytime i went to type something she pushed my fingers away and started typeing something else
Sidnee: you wouldnt understand how a girl feels i had to take this chapter under my wing!!!!!!!!
Kevin:.... -_- you scare me