Everyone Has Issues! Right?

The Best Thing


I stood in front of my closet trying to figure out what I was going to wear over to dinner at Kats, and in doing this I felt like such a girl. I mean what did it matter what I wore, its just Kat, but yet here I still stood looking through clothes upon clothes and finally just deciding on dark washed jeans and a gray and blue stripped button up shirt. I walked down the stairs and found my mom sitting on the couch lost in some stupid infomercial.

“Hey mom” I yelled pulling on a jacket and grabbing my car keys “ I’m heading over to Kats for dinner ill be home around 10” she waved her hand to go ahead, she was too preoccupied for an actual verbal response. “Alright then” I mumbled walking out the door and getting into my car.

As I pulled in front of the house that I had spent more of my life at than my own my home I couldn’t help but smile, it was always welcoming at Kats house, and though her mom could be a bit weird at times she was actually pretty cool. So I climbed out of my car and walked straight on through the front door and into the house. I could hear Tracy (Kat’s mom) laughing about something as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. As soon as she saw me she ran up and hugged me.

“Well it feels like I have not seen you in years young man!” she said sternly yet playfully at the same time “Don’t make your self a stranger here.” I laughed.

“I wont Tracy.” I said then looked around her to see Kat standing there, I waved, and she laughed waving back.

“well I have to finish up dinner why don’t you two go up to your room Kat, and ill call you down when its done.” Then she turned around so she was facing the pot on top of the stove. Kat grabbed my hand and drug me up the stairs and through the door to her room, She playfully pushed me backwards onto the bed and we both started laughing hysterically, it was like an inside joke. The first time I had ever came over to Kat’s house was in 6th grade and we were sitting in her room awkwardly (we weren’t quite best friends yet plus I had never really been in a girls room and I was a preteen boy.) we both stood up from the floor at the same time causing us to bump heads and I fell backwards of course my first instinct was to grab onto something to keep me from falling so I grabbed her arm and she ended up falling on top of me and I ended up falling onto her bed, and with our luck Tracy decided to walk in at exactly that same moment… I wasn’t aloud over for a week.
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Sidnee: just so you know we wrote the first 11 chapters before we started posting thats why they got up so quick but we havnt writen anything past that yet..... we will try with all our might to get one a day, but there are no promises!!!
Kevin: one a day?! your going to work me to death!!!
Sidnee: thats the plan!!! peace out fine readers!