Everyone Has Issues! Right?

Must have done something right


We were sitting on my bed in silence, but not that awkward kind of silence. whenever me and Jake are together nothing ever seems to be awkward.. and that's a huge reason why i love being around him so much, why i love him so much. i looked over at him sitting next to me cross legged and he smiled at me, i smiled back.

"So i guess i haven't asked you how your first day was as a senior?" he said laughing

"yeah i guess you haven't" i added smiling, " it was alright, kinda wish we had more than one class together though, we don't even have lunch together!"

"Yeah i didn't like not seeing you all day." his comment made me blush and i tilted me head downwards so that my hair would hide my face from his view, it didn't really work, he looked over at me and frowned then brushed his hand up the side of my face putting my red cheeks in his view.. "are you blushing Kathrine Stevens?" he laughed again except this one was much louder and went on much longer which just made me blush more. "you know i haven't seen you blush since 6Th grade when Billy ,your middle school crush,told you that he liked your hair." he stopped and i looked over at him. he was thinking about something i could tell by his eyes they seemed to almost darken when he concentrates hard on something.

"what is it?" i asked

"nothing, just wondering, why are you blushing right now?" he looked confused

"Oh" i said, quickly trying in my mind to think of an excuse that wouldn't cause me to look like a bigger dork than i already did. i couldn't think of one. "you just... well in you saying that you hadn't liked not seeing me... well it just.. you know.. reminded me of how much i mean to you." he smiled at my stutter of a sentence.

"Of course you mean a lot to me Kat.. your all i got, you know that, before you i had nothing, when my Dad died my mom went into shutdown mode, seemed to ignore my existence, as if that would make her suffering less, and none of the kids in our school understood, Remember,.. Remember the first time you talked to me, i was sitting on the bench during recess and you came up and asked if I'd seen your bracelet. you were crying, and i... wanted to help you, as if stopping your tears would stop the tears I'd been crying on the inside, so we walked around to every place you had been playing until we found it under the swings. then you told me that your dad had given it to you before he left 2 years ago, and for once i felt like id found someone that might understand the things nobody else did, like why on fathers day ,when all the other kids brought there dads into school, and i snuck off to the bathroom and cried, or why i didn't invite people over to my house, cause i didn't want to answer when they would ask where my dad was. I knew you would understand, your the only one Kat, YOU mean the WORLD to me." he was crying just a single tear that had escaped his eye as he gave his speech, as he let it all out. so i wiped it away with the back of my hand, and gave him a friendly kiss on the corner of his jaw. i lifted my head just a little so that my mouth was by his ear.

"Really?" i asked almost breathlessly i could feel my own tears spilling over now so i buried my face in his shoulder and he held onto me like his life depended on it, cause deep down inside i think both our lives depended on it, we hadn't gone searching for someone who completed us, but by some grace we found them, we found each other, and as i thought through all this in my head, it brought some sort of hope to my mind.... "Jake i needed you as much as you needed me, heck i still need you just as much."
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yeah theres no kevin and sidnee show at the bottom of this one cause sidnee and my mom went shopping and then snow fell by the piles out of the sky and now they are stuck in the parking lot of the mall until the roads get a lil better... but im sure if SUPER SIDNEE was here she would have some smart ass comment about me... lol but yeah bye.