Everyone Has Issues! Right?

The one im waiting for...


Honk, Honk
“Dang it!” I said to myself snapping out of my trance of deep thought I had been in and apparently the guy in the car behind me cared more about me going when the light turned green than figuring out my personal problems right now. I pulled into the parking lot of Port Smith High School, My high school.

“Joy” I whispered to my self sarcastically. “Here I am a whole hour before school starts.”

I was always here early because me an Kat, my best friend, always hung out before school, at least last year we did, I have no idea were she is now. Well actually I have a pretty good idea of where she is, she’s either still sleeping, or so very much wishing she was still sleeping while she gets ready.


I turn my head to see her sliding her back tires around and parking about three spots down from me in the pretty much empty parking lot.

She climbed out of her car looking amazing as usual but I could see the tiredness in her movements, the way she dragged her right foot out, how she crossed her arms and leaned against her car once the door was closed, and the way she looked at me with eyes that you could tell didn’t want to be open at the moment. I got out of my car and walked over to her copying her stance.

“6 o’clock in the morning” was all she said. Then turned and looked over at me. That’s all she had to say, and yet she sent me a million messages in those few words so what I really heard was ‘Why are we here so early? How crazy were we when we started this stupid tradition? Don’t let me fall asleep in classes on my first day, Do I look okay I was too tired to pay much attention to myself? And Sorry I was late’. She knew I would understand it all, that’s what I did, I always understood.

“Yeah early huh? But hey you know you look great! You’re going to knock all those boys dead on their feet.” And that was all she needed to hear. She smiled up at me letting out a laugh.

“Yeah probably not but thanks anyways.”

I hated when she said stuff like that, when she made herself feel ugly, when she didn’t see what I could see.

“Don’t do that.” I said looking away from her and up at the sky, the sun was still trying to make its way out.

“Do what?” she asked, looking at the side of my face. I could see her out of the corner of my eye scrunch her forehead like she always dose when she’s confused.

“Doubt me when I say that you’re beautiful.”

She blushed.
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lol i like the HONK HONK!! :D anyways uhmm yeah, id appriciate anything you have to say wether good or bad, lol but good is appriciated.
and hey at least this chapter is longer.!