Everyone Has Issues! Right?

Life after Death and Taxes


I felt her hand on mine, and I felt ashamed of myself. For letting her see me like this so much latley, it’s not her fault that I’ve fallen head over heels for a girl who would never feel that for me, for her. I had to watch myself, when it was just me and her it was fine, but once we got in public and I saw guys eyes on her, or her eyes on guys, I felt possessive, and that wasn’t right of me. She wasn’t mine; I couldn’t keep her all to myself, which scared me.

So as we sat there looking at each other I knew she was worried, heck I was worried, but I couldn’t be weak anymore around her, she needed me. Her eyes were searching mine but they wouldn’t find anything, she knew me well but I was good at not letting even a hint of my problems show. She gave up and let out a sigh.

“What’s wrong Jake?” she said, and we both sat there noticing how funny the words sounded coming out of her mouth. It was always me asking her that question not the other way around.

“Its nothing.” I answered, and she stared at me like she was going to argue. “Really Kat, I’m just tired.” And I realized at that moment that, that was the first time I had ever lied to her, I felt bad, but it was what was best for both of us in the long run.

“Fine, ill let that slide.”

Then the bell rang for everyone to head to Home room, Me and Kat didn’t have the same one, She had to go to Mrs. Linens and I had to go to Mr. Jackson’s he’s new here this year but I hear that he used to teach at some other high school for a while before he came here. We both stood and before I walked away she closed the gap between us and gave me a hug. She was short enough so that her head came up to my chest and her arms went around my back locking tight squeezing me as hard as her small arms could. After a couple minutes she stepped back.

“Don’t do that.” she said repeating the very words that I had told her this morning but hers were aimed toward something else. And I didn’t have to ask I already knew, she had seen through my lie.

“Never again” I said “Ill see you later.” She nodded her head and walked away. I watched her till she turned down the hallway. Then I headed off to Mr. Jackson’s room.
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Sidnee: does anyone else find it disturbing that Kevin called me Super Sidnee!
Kevin: -makes pouting face- i was just trying to be nice!
Sidnee: Dont try!
Kevin: mean much?
Sidnee: and yet you love me!!!
Kevin: i want my love back!!!!
Sidnee: NEVER!